Drug rehab at Priory: inpatient, outpatient and online treatment

  • Evidence-based treatment options
  • Online and face-to-face treatment
  • Highly qualified specialists

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Page clinically reviewed by Dee Johnson (Mbacp, MNCS), Addiction Therapist at Priory Hospital Chelmsford.

Dee is a seasoned counsellor and supervisor with expertise in addiction therapy and has specialised in the addiction treatment programme since 2010. She practices as an integrative counsellor, with skills in CBT and mindfulness.

What is a drug addiction?

Drug addiction is a condition that’s characterised by repeatedly taking or administering drugs, to the extent that you become physically or psychologically dependent on these substances. These might be illegal drugs such as heroin, cocaine or ecstasy, or legal prescription drugs.

Regardless of the type of drug addiction you’ve developed, continued substance abuse can soon become a serious problem and can lead to a series of long-term issues. However, you don’t have to suffer in silence; expert treatment can help you to regain control of your life.

Spotlight on Priory Hospital Glasgow

Priory Hospital Glasgow, situated in the tranquil Southside area of the city, provides a serene and comfortable environment for treatment. Our magnificent Georgian manor house features single-occupancy bedrooms with en-suite facilities, ensuring privacy and comfort to support your recovery.

Watch this short video to find out more:

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What are the signs & symptoms of drug addiction?

If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, it's vital to be aware of the various signs and symptoms that can impact all areas of life. This comprehensive section delves into the complete range of signs and symptoms associated with drug addiction, encompassing physical, psychological, and behavioural indicators.

Drug addiction not only impacts physical health but also profoundly affects mental and emotional well-being. The following list highlights key psychological symptoms commonly experienced by those struggling with drug addiction:

  • Mental health issues like anxiety or depression
  • Increased temper, irritability, agitation or defensiveness
  • Paranoia, feeling nervous and ‘on edge’ – small things like red lights or flashes can be misinterpreted as proof that you are being followed and photographed or recorded.
  • Hallucinations that may be visual. Items can appear  to fly around the room
  • Inability to focus or concentrate at work, home, or finding you can only function when using the drug
  • Feeling tearful and emotionally tired
  • Memory problems
  • Diminished self-esteem and self-worth
  • Using drugs to self-medicate against stress or anxiety
  • Intense cravings for the drug

Alongside the psychological impacts, drug addiction also manifests through various physical symptoms. These symptoms can serve as clear indicators of the body's increasing dependence on the substance. Here is a list of physical symptoms commonly associated with drug addiction:

  • Increased tolerance of the drug, meaning you need to take more in order to feel the effects
  • Headaches
  • Excessive sweating in the absence of physical exertion
  • Fluctuations in weight and changes in your appetite
  • Lack of concern over physical appearance/personal hygiene
  • Disrupted sleep patterns, including insomnia
  • Lethargy
  • Bloodshot eyes, or dilated/constricted pupils: “Pinpoint” pupils classically.
  • Appearance of drug withdrawal symptoms like feeling shaky or nauseous, excessive yawning, the hairs on the arms standing on end, feeling “sick” and stomach cramps.

Drug addiction often leads to significant changes in behaviour, impacting relationships, responsibilities, and daily activities. Below is a list of behavioural symptoms that are commonly observed in individuals struggling with drug addiction:

  • Secretive or dishonest behaviour in relation to drugs
  • Withdrawing from responsibility and avoiding contact with loved ones
  • Finding that you only tend to socialise with people who take drugs
  • Devoting an excessive amount of time to obtaining and using drugs
  • Prioritising drugs over other activities, or losing interest in things that were once important to you
  • Continuing to take drugs despite the negative effects that this has had on your work, home or social life
  • Poor performance and/or attendance at work
  • Stealing from your family and friends
  • Shoplifting to fund your habit

Free addiction assessment

We recognise that reaching out for help can be daunting. That’s why we offer a free assessment with a Priory expert at your nearest Priory hospital if you are struggling with the symptoms of addiction. Call our dedicated team today to arrange a free, confidential assessment.

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Long-term effects of drug addiction

Physical health

The impact that long-term drug use can have on your physical health can be devastating. These effects will vary depending on the drug used, how much you consume and over what period of time. However, all of the most commonly abused drugs can leave lasting damage to your physical health.

For example, cocaine’s effects on the body can be wide-ranging. Chronic use can increase the risk of blood clots, increasing your risk of heart attacks and strokes. It also causes your blood vessels to constrict, reducing oxygen to the brain and increasing the possibility of aneurysms.

Heroin can lead to infections on your skin, like abscesses and cellulitis. It can also lead to higher chances of contracting conditions like HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, as well as causing liver and kidney damage.

If you smoke drugs like cannabis or cocaine, this can lead to complications with your breathing and can damage your lungs. Many drugs can also result in an increase in your heart rate. Over time, this can cause cardiovascular issues and increases blood pressure. Cocaine can lead to the cardiac muscle becoming fibrous and inactive leading to heart failure. The coronary arteries that supply the heart and keep us alive can be made to “spasm” by cocaine leading to a potentially fatal heart attack. Cocaine’s effects on the kidneys may cause pain in the sides.

Mental health

Substance use disorders, or drug addictions, are categorised as a mental health disorder by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Drugs change your brain in fundamental ways, which can lead to someone experiencing an uncontrollable compulsion to use the drug, no matter the consequences. Many of the most abused drugs have common symptoms related to mental health, such as feelings of sadness or anxiety.

It leads to many people being diagnosed with both a drug addiction and a mental health disorder at the same time. In fact, research by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) shows that over 40% of people with a drug use disorder will also have a mood disorder such as depression or anxiety.

Drug use can also lead to damaging life events that can bring further damage to your mental health. A breakdown in your relationships with family or friends, loss of a job, and social isolation are common with people struggling with addiction.

Treatment for drug addiction at Priory

Drug addiction treatment at Priory usually takes place as part of our 28-day addiction treatment programme. Our world class rehab programme includes:

  • A free, no obligation drug addiction assessment, allowing you to discuss your concerns in confidence, receive guidance on next steps and develop an understanding of your journey towards rehabilitation and recovery
  • 7 to 10-day medically assisted drug detox, if this is needed
  • Individual 1:1 therapy, online therapy and structured group therapy programmes
  • Family and couples therapy programmes
  • Access to both on and off-site 12-step support groups
  • Evidence-based therapeutic techniques and a range of wellbeing activities
  • Free aftercare for 12 months following treatment (aftercare is provided for life following treatment at Priory Hospital Roehampton)
  • Free family support for 12 months following treatment (family support is provided for life following treatment at Priory Hospital Roehampton)

Drug addiction treatment options

The first step in your drug rehab journey at Priory is for you to receive our free drug addiction assessment. This allows you to discuss your concerns in confidence with one of our addiction experts and find out more about our drug addiction rehab programme. Our dedicated free assessment guide offers in-depth information on what you can expect if you get help and support for addiction with Priory.

Drug detox

We can also offer a medically assisted drug detoxification (detox) process as part of your treatment plan, if this is needed. During detox, we'll safely eliminate the toxic substances from your system in a medically controlled environment, with round-the-clock care. We’ll help you to manage your drug withdrawal symptoms and ensure you’re as comfortable as possible throughout the process.

Residential drug rehab

Residential (inpatient) drug rehab is when you stay at one of our specialist drug addiction treatment centres on a residential basis. During this time, you'll benefit from individual and group therapy in order to address the source and triggers for your addictive behaviours, and take steps towards recovery.

We can deliver a wide range of tried-and-tested therapeutic techniques to aid your recovery. These include methods such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), transactional analysis (TA) and mindfulness.

We also recognise that staying healthy in mind, body and spirit is important when it comes to addiction recovery. That’s why we also offer a number of wellbeing activities while you’re with us. These can include things like yoga, meditation and exercise groups.

The recommended treatment time for drug addiction is 28 days. However, the length of the addiction treatment you receive at Priory can be flexible according to your requirements and commitments. We'll be happy to discuss alternative treatment lengths with you during your free addiction assessment.

Outpatient Drug Rehab

As well as comprehensive inpatient treatment, we can also deliver drug addiction treatment on an outpatient or day care basis, depending on your individual needs and requirements. Outpatient treatment is when you attend one of our addiction treatment centres for weekly therapy sessions. Day care addiction treatment consists of you attending for a set number of full or half days per week, to receive addiction therapy.

These treatment options can be used as an entry-point to drug addiction treatment, or can be used as a step-down in treatment intensity for individuals who have already gone through residential treatment.

12-Step Drug Addiction Recovery

Drug addiction treatment at Priory is based on the world-renowned Minnesota Model. This is an abstinence-based programme that involves the 12-Step addiction treatment approach. The 12-Step philosophy provides a set of guiding principles for the addiction treatment and rehabilitation journey.

Drug addiction treatment near me

We have drug addiction treatment centres located throughout the country, ensuring that you can access the support you need in a location that's convenient for you. To find your nearest drug addiction treatment centre, please use the search form below.

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