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© Priory, 2024. All rights reserved.

Based on your answers

Depression Message

0 - 7
You are low risk for alcohol addiction
8 - 15
You may be at risk for developing an alcohol addiction
16 - 19
You are high risk for developing an alcohol addiction
20 - 40
You are likely to be alcohol dependant

Free addiction assessments at our network of nationwide hospitals

We offer a free addiction assessment for you to discuss your challenges with one of our experts, supporting you to start your recovery. Speak to a specialist:

  • Face-to-face
  • Over the phone

We know that taking the first step can be difficult, but we’re here to support - with no pressure or judgement. Help is just a phone call away.

Contact us for help, referrals or more information

At Priory, we want to ensure we provide the very best service to everyone we support. Your feedback is really important to us.

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