Addictions blog articles


The effects of alcoholism on families

We have taken a look at the effects that alcoholism can have on a family, how to deal with addiction in the family and the support that Priory can offer as a person embarks on recovery.


The role of complementary therapies in addiction treatment

What is involved in complementary therapies? A guide to mindfulness, art therapy and yoga for GPs and their patients with addiction concerns.


Expert advice on dealing with an alcoholic parent

We look at how best to manage an alcoholic parent or alcoholic parents to make sure that the entire family doesn’t have to live with the effects of the addiction.


What are the physical signs of alcoholism?

How alcohol addiction physically affects different parts of your body.


Do I have an alcohol problem? The signs, support and next steps

It’s hard to know where the line is when it comes to drinking alcohol. Here are some signs that you’re drinking too much and may have developed a dependency.


The importance of family therapy for substance abuse

Family therapy can help everyone affected by an addiction to understand each other once again and move forward as a support network that can look after one another.


Nearly half of us don't know what constitutes binge drinking

With under a week to go to the World Cup, and alcohol sales expected to soar, nearly half of UK adults still don't know the Government's weekly recommended alcohol limits.


Night sweats after alcohol - a sign of alcoholism?

Do you find yourself waking up covered in sweat after drinking? You might be experiencing night sweats due to alcohol.


Fentanyl addiction - signs, support and treatment

If you are abusing fentanyl or are worried about someone you care about, there are common signs and symptoms that can indicate addiction. We list them here alongside available treatments.


Recovering from alcohol addiction - a case study

David* has shared his story of recovery from alcohol addiction, sex and love addiction and unresolved childhood trauma.


Short-term and long-term effects of codeine misuse

Exploring the effects of codeine abuse, from withdrawing to developing a dependency.


The importance of aftercare following addiction treatment

‘Aftercare’ describes the treatment and support that is offered beyond an inpatient stay for addiction treatment. Here are the benefits to those in recovery.

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