Addictions blog articles


Getting help for drug addiction

Whether it is cocaine addiction, heroin addiction or any of a wide range of available drugs, seeking help and beginning an addiction treatment programme can help to get your life back on track and begin the addiction recovery process.


Are more young people taking drugs?

The rise of drug culture in the UK has seeped into youth culture, to the point where popular rites of passage for young people are now laced with the dangers associated with drugs.


The rise and pitfalls of 'smart drugs'

'Smart drugs' supposedly boost cognitive function, memory and logical capability, and increase concentration. This then enables a person to study for longer periods of time and to retain more information, explaining the popularity of such supplements amongst students.


Worried about a friend or relative's drinking?

If you are concerned about the drinking habits of your friend or family member, the chances are they are too, but may not want to talk about it. This can make it very difficult to start the conversation about their problem with alcohol.


5 ways to recognise a heroin addict

To someone unfamiliar with heroin, it can be very difficult to spot a heroin addiction but here are five ways to recognise a heroin addict.


How to quit taking cocaine

Outlining the effects that cocaine is likely having on your health and wellbeing, along with information on how to give up cocaine once and for all.


Why Are Some People More Prone to Addiction?

Addiction does not discriminate - it can affect people of all ages, intelligence levels and backgrounds. Addiction is a very complicated subject and it’s something that scientists and psychologists are still trying to understand.


Drunkorexia: what is it and why is it so bad for our health?

Drunkorexia is effectively substituting food with alcohol, meaning that the body is missing out on important nutrients. Alcohol is no replacement for food; it offers no nutritional benefits and it’s full of empty calories.


Alcohol and erectile dysfunction

Explaining how alcohol can cause erectile dysfunction, the impact it can have on your sex life, and tips on how to manage.


The importance of aftercare for addiction recovery

Aftercare is vital – it not only connects an individual into a supporting community network, but it also provides a safe haven to return to, with people around them who are empathetic, non-judgemental and always there to listen and support.

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