The effects of cocaine on sleep
Exploring the impact of cocaine on sleep: from coping with the cocaine comedown to managing insomnia.
Exploring the impact of cocaine on sleep: from coping with the cocaine comedown to managing insomnia.
Cocaine is a powerful and highly addictive stimulant drug that can have a negative impact on lots of different areas of your life, including sleep.
Here, we’ll explore how cocaine affects our sleep patterns and how it’s linked to insomnia. We’ll also outline some strategies you can use to try and improve your sleep, as well how to get the help you need for cocaine addiction.
The impact that cocaine can have on sleep is a complex issue that often leaves people struggling with disrupted sleep patterns.
When you take cocaine, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, which can create feelings of euphoria, alertness and high energy. This increased brain activity can make it very difficult for you to fall asleep when you’re under the influence of cocaine. In fact, one of the symptoms of cocaine addiction is a reduced need for sleep.
Cocaine can also lead to unhealthy behaviours such as staying awake for long periods of time, neglecting your need for sleep, and developing unpredictable sleep habits.
As the effects of the drug wear off, you might experience a ‘crash’ or a ‘comedown’ phase. This can cause you to feel restless, irritable and anxious, all of which can also make it hard to achieve restful sleep, even if you feel tired.
If you’re worried about your sleeping habits, then understanding the connection between cocaine use and disturbed sleep is really important.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes people to find it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. This is a common issue for people who use cocaine.
Because cocaine is a stimulant, it can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. You might find it hard to drift off to sleep when you’re still feeling the effects of cocaine. And even after the stimulant effects have worn off, insomnia can still persist because of the comedown effects that you might experience, such as anxiety and an overactive mind. Therefore, both the stimulant and comedown effects of cocaine can make it hard for you to sleep.
Using cocaine regularly can make these sleep disturbances even worse over time, leading to chronic insomnia. This is because cocaine:
Ultimately, this can have a long-term impact on your ability to fall asleep, stay asleep and achieve restful sleep, which can affect your physical and mental health. These effects can persist for weeks, months or even longer, even when the cocaine has left your system.
As well as sleep disturbances, the comedown you experience after taking cocaine can cause a whole range of additional side effects. These include:
Find out how to manage a comedown.
As well as insomnia, cocaine can also result in a number of other sleep problems, including:
Getting a good night’s sleep after taking cocaine can be challenging, but there are some steps you can take to improve your sleep more broadly.
This progressive muscle relaxation meditation, Written and narrated by Priory Therapist, Adele Burdon-Bailey, is designed to help you unwind - ready for deep restorative sleep.
While the above tips can help, it’s likely that your sleep will always be disrupted if you take cocaine. Cocaine is a harmful drug and its stimulating effects can linger, making it difficult to fall asleep, even hours after you took it. Therefore, it’s absolutely crucial to understand that the most effective way to improve your sleep is to avoid taking cocaine in the first place.
If you’re finding it difficult to abstain from cocaine, getting professional help is really important. You could start by reaching out to your GP, who will be able to provide guidance and a referral to an appropriate addiction treatment programme, if needed. Or you could consider going directly to a private addiction treatment provider, such as Priory. We can offer tailored treatment plans, a medical detox and comprehensive support to help you overcome your addiction to cocaine. We’ll also help you to address your sleep problems alongside your substance abuse.
Remember, getting help is a brave and essential decision, and there are lots of resources and professionals ready to support you on the path to recovery.