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How to stop a gambling addiction

Read our advice and information on how to put a stop to a gambling addiction, including the steps you can take, the support that's available and the professional treatment you can access in order to recover. 

Written by: Rachael Heades
Senior copywriter

If you're looking for advice on how to stop a gambling addiction, we've outlined the steps you can take to put a stop to the problem. We also explore the professional rehabilitative treatment that's available here at Priory, where our team will work with you to help you achieve a gambling-free life.

You’ve already taken the first step towards stopping your gambling addiction

By searching online for advice on how to stop a gambling addiction, you’ve already taken the first important step towards your recovery and overcoming your gambling symptoms. You're starting to recognise gambling for what it is - something that's completely destructive to yours and other people’s lives. When you're able to accept that gambling has this damaging grip over you - and you have a real desire to stop - you're in the right place to make the right changes.

Remember, many people have put a stop to their gambling and it's something you can do too. We understand that quitting may seem daunting right now, but with time, dedication and support, it's something you can achieve.

Managing your urges when trying to stop a gambling addiction

When thinking about how to stop your gambling addiction, it's important to recognise that when you do quit, you're likely to experience really strong urges.

This is something you need to prepare for. These urges can be very strong at the beginning, so figuring out ways to recognise and manage these cravings effectively is important. Some things you can do to prepare for them include:

  • Self-exclusion from gambling websites, bricks-and-mortar shops and casinos. There are different schemes available that allow you to self-exclude – this website can help you put the restrictions in place that you need
  • Think about triggers and reduce your exposure to them. Avoid driving past a betting shop or casino that you used to go to, avoid behaviours that used to lead to you gambling like drinking, don’t spend time with people who you used to gamble with and try to minimise your media use, particularly in the run up to triggering events, like sports games
  • Limit your access to money as this will put a barrier between you and gambling when you do get an urge. Make sure your money and cards are out of reach. You may want to give them to someone else you trust to hold onto
  • Prepare a list of distractions that you can easily turn to when you get an urge to gamble. Try to include healthy, feel-good and stimulating activities or hobbies that will give you a sense of achievement or competition, so that you get a good hit of adrenaline, similar to what you may have got from gambling
  • Keep to a strict daily routine so that you stay busy, which in turn can stop you from thinking about or engaging in gambling. Sitting around bored or with nothing to do can increase your temptation to gamble, which is something that you should work hard to avoid
  • Keep a daily journal where you write down when you experienced an urge and what did or didn’t work to help stop your desire to gamble. Over time, this journal will help you gain insight into the triggers and reasons for your gambling, and learn what activities and distractions are most effective in helping you move past your urges

Joining a support group for people with gambling addictions

Joining a support group like Gamblers Anonymous gives you the opportunity to spend time with people who've had similar experiences to you.

During the sessions, you have the chance to talk about your week, reflect on your past experiences and share stories with the group. You'll receive compassion and support from others who have walked a similar path, ideas for your own recovery as well as help if and when you need it.

Keeping yourself healthy

If you're looking at how to stop a gambling addiction, it's important to recognise that this will require a lot of dedication and strength.

Maintaining your physical and emotional health at this time will make sure you have the resilience to do this. It's important that you're sleeping well, exercising, eating regularly and healthily, relaxing and spending time with other people. By making sure your batteries are full, you'll be in a better place to work on stopping your gambling addiction.

Seeking professional rehabilitative support

For many people, they don’t feel they can stop their gambling addiction on their own. If you've tried but haven’t been able to stop, don’t be disheartened. There's professional support available to help you tackle the problem.

At Priory, our rehabilitation facilities provide support for a wide range of addictions, including gambling. The treatment we provide can be given on a residential basis, as well as through our day care and outpatient programmes. With the help of our team of therapists and addiction experts, you have the opportunity to achieve the following:

  • An understanding of the impact that gambling has had on your life as well as on the lives of people you're close to
  • Recognition of your triggers and the reasons behind your gambling addiction
  • The development of healthy coping strategies to support you on your recovery journey
  • Support and education for your family
  • Sessions with your family to help you re-establish family relationships
  • Support with getting in contact with relevant agencies to rationalise or manage financial debts

Group and one-to-one therapy sessions are used to help people achieve these steps, along with seminars, workshops and individual working time.

People who go through our residential addiction treatment programme also have access to our aftercare programme, where you continue receiving support from our experts and your peers as you start out in early recovery.

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