Mental health blog articles


Steps to take if you're waking up depressed

If you're waking up depressed in the morning, explore why this may be happening and the steps you can take to improve how you're feeling.


Depression and anger: how are they linked?

Why anger may sometimes by a sign of depression, and what you can do to cope with angry outbursts linked to depression.


Sleep anxiety: understanding how anxiety can affect sleep

Discover the reasons you may be experiencing sleep anxiety, and strategies to help you manage your symptoms.


Managing depression in relationships

When someone is dealing with depression, maintaining a relationship can sometimes be a challenge. It can also be difficult for their spouse or partner, particularly if they are uncertain of what to do to help.


Living with someone with depression

What you can do to help and support someone you live with who is struggling with depression.


What to do if you think you have depression

What actions you can take today if you’re struggling with your mental health.


OCD & guilt – why you feel you’ve done wrong

Many people with OCD experience extreme guilt. Certain symptoms can trigger this feeling, such as having sexual or violent thoughts or believing that you are responsible for causing harm to others.


Five ways to manage your anxiety-related insomnia

Exploring the link between anxiety and insomnia, and how you can manage sleep difficulties to get a better night’s sleep.


The effects of alcohol on panic attacks

Outlining and understanding the link between alcohol and panic attacks.


How to help someone with bipolar disorder

It can be difficult to watch a loved one struggle with bipolar disorder but there are a number of things you can do to help them to cope.


Paranoid personality disorder symptoms

We outline the common paranoid personality disorder symptoms to look out for.


BPD traits - signs and symptoms of BPD

Outlining some of the most common traits someone with BPD may have.

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