Xanax is a brand name for alprazolam. It's a tranquiliser designed to calm or relieve tension that can be prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders and anxiety caused by depression. Xanax is a controlled drug, meaning that it's illegal to take it without a prescription from a medical doctor.
A growing number of people are making the decision to buy Xanax online and through street dealers in order to relieve stress, reduce their inhibitions, 'get high' and self-medicate their anxiety, often resulting in a Xanax addiction. It's important for people to be aware of the dangers of Xanax abuse, and understand the short and long-term repercussions of misusing this drug.
The dangers of Xanax misuse
Buying Xanax from illicit sources
When someone chooses to buy Xanax online or from a street dealer, the drug is unlikely to be pharmaceutical grade and the risks become more significant. These counterfeits can contain potentially dangerous substances and higher, more lethal strengths of alprazolam, which can lead to an overdose or even death.
This unpredictability can make counterfeit Xanax very dangerous to take, as a person is completely unaware of the strength or potential effects of taking the drug.
Taking pharmaceutical grade Xanax without a prescription
If a person is sourcing pharmaceutical grade Xanax, but is taking it without a prescription, this can also leave them open to a number of physical and psychological side effects.
When determining the correct medication for a patient, a doctor will assess their mental and psychical health to provide them with access to safe and effective treatment. When using Xanax without this medical consultation, a person puts themselves at risk of experiencing health complications as well as developing a dependency.
Combining Xanax with other substances
Mixing Xanax with other substances can lead to extreme drowsiness, weakness and clumsiness, increasing the risk of dangerous accidents and falls.
If Xanax is combined with other substances that also depress the central nervous system, and affect cardiac and respiratory activities, it can also increase the risk of breathing difficulties, loss of consciousness and unintentional death.
Becoming dependent on Xanax
Xanax is highly addictive and people who are misusing this substance may find that they have to start taking higher doses of the drug at more regular intervals as they build up a tolerance.
Continued use can then lead to a person becoming physically and psychologically dependent on the drug, and developing a harmful Xanax addiction.
Signs and symptoms of Xanax addiction
The following signs could indicate an addiction to Xanax:
- You use Xanax every time drug withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, depression, paranoia and irritability start
- You need to take more Xanax at more regular intervals as your tolerance increases
- You disregard your family and friends in favour of taking drugs
- You worry about your supply and when you can next use it
- You continue to take it, regardless of the effect it's having on your life
- You become involved in more dangerous or risky behaviours
If you're worried that someone close to you has a Xanax addiction, the following signs could suggest they're abusing the drug:
- Drowsiness
- Slurred speech
- Uncoordinated, unsteady and loses balance
- Confusion and slowed thinking
- Trembling
- Slow reflexes
- Difficulty focusing
- Forgetfulness
- Increased amount of time spent sleeping
You may also notice the following:
- Decline in performance at school or work
- Lack of interest in hobbies or activities they once enjoyed
- Changes in mood and personality
- Irritability
- Excessive fatigue or agitation
- Isolating themselves
- Cares less about their personal hygiene and grooming
- Sleeps all day or at odd hours
- Secretive with activities out of the home
- Unusual rubbish items (medicine bottles/packets)
The dangers of Xanax addiction
The effects of Xanax addiction
When a person has an addiction, it can have a damaging effect on their health and quality of life, while also impacting on the lives of those closest to them.
Relationships with family and friends can start to fracture and break down as the person addicted to Xanax spends their time getting, taking and recovering from the drug. The addiction can also cause a person and those closest to them to face financial hardships, as the misuse can lead to the person losing their job but still needing money to fund their habit.
Long-term use of Xanax also comes with health dangers such as depression, psychotic episodes, aggression and hallucinations. When a person has a tolerance to Xanax and takes more of the drug to feel the effects or prevent withdrawal, these higher doses can leave the person more at risk of overdoses and accidental death.
Getting treatment for Xanax abuse and addiction
If you're worried about your own or someone else’s Xanax use, it's important to seek treatment.
The first step on any recovery journey should be to get professional help. At Priory, we have a network of hospitals and wellbeing centres that can provide comprehensive and bespoke treatment. Following a free initial addiction assessment, where we talk to a person about their Xanax use and the impact that it's having on their life, we can then determine the best course of action, which can include the following:
- A medically managed detox to help rid the body of the drug in a safe and discreet environment
- A 28-day residential treatment programme, where a person can learn about the triggers for their addictive behaviours and become aware of strategies to help with life in recovery
- Day care and outpatient treatment that's flexible according to a person’s commitments
- Free aftercare for 12 months, following a 28-day stay with us