A survey commissioned by Priory reveals that a shocking one in four students are too uncomfortable to reveal their mental health problems to their friends for fear of being mistreated.
Many young people look forward to university with excitement, hoping to meet new people and enjoy the 'best years' of their life. Unfortunately, this isn't the case for all students.
In a study by Priory, it has been revealed that an alarming number of students are keeping their mental health problems a secret, out of fear that they'll be shut off by their friends.
Alienated from their peers
The survey, which was conducted across 18 universities in the UK, polled students on their personal experiences with mental health and the attitudes they had experienced from their peers. Almost half admitted that exposing their mental health problems had affected their relationship with their friends, leaving them isolated from social events and unable to ask for help and support.
Students aged 18 to 25 explained how once they had opened up to their friends about their mental health problems, they began to notice a difference in their friendship. Students recalled how invitations stopped, phone calls ceased and jokes were made at their expense in what they depicted as a deliberate attempt to remove them from friendship groups.
Alarmingly, not only did students suffer isolation from their peers but one in six students explained that their friends didn't take them seriously when they revealed their condition, describing how they were branded as ‘lazy’ and ‘attention seeking’, showing a distinct lack of support being given at a time when it was most needed.
Unsurprisingly, 16% admitted that they felt they'd lost friends as a result of talking about their mental health problems.
Divided attitude
In order to assess the other side of the story, students were also asked about their personal experiences of being a friend to someone with a mental health problem. Of all those surveyed, 75% of students believed they'd been supportive when their friend had told them about their mental health problem – showing a clear contradiction in opinion with those diagnosed.
More than a third admitted to feeling emotionally distressed by their friend’s confession but only one in five went on to further research their friend’s illness and how they could be more supportive.
The survey did highlight that attitudes towards mental health are moving in the right direction, with as little as 1 in 20 students admitting their friend’s mental health problem made them feel awkward, suggesting that the anti-stigma campaigns run by charities such as Time to Change are working to improve awareness.
A Time to Change spokesperson gave this advice: “There are lots of simple, everyday ways you can support someone who has a mental health problem. Small things can make a big difference – like being there to listen, keeping in touch and reminding the other person that you care."
She added: “By taking the lead in conversations and avoiding clichés such as "cheer up" and "I’m sure it will pass", students will feel more confident in talking about mental health.”
First year students worst hit
With friendships relatively new, first year students seemed to experience the worst of the backlash, with half stating they'd experienced negative attitudes after disclosing their condition.
This could suggest why 43% of first year students diagnosed with a mental health problem said they didn't feel comfortable talking about it with their peers.
Worryingly, this was also reflected in the attitudes of students who were friends with someone diagnosed with a mental health problem, with as little as 14% saying they'd been supportive in their friend's time of need.
More education needed
When it came to the various reasons why, students were very clear on what they believed were the causes behind the prejudice:
- 100% of them attributed it to a lack of understanding
- 83% claimed it was the social stigma attached to mental health
- 83% of them said it was because of a lack of experience with mental health problems
- 45% said it was down to the media’s representation of mental health problems
- 36% said they felt it was because their friends were intimidated by their mental health problems
With one in five students claiming to know someone with a mental health issue, the results highlight key areas where young people’s attitudes need to be improved.
Disturbingly, this problem could lie within the educational system, as 86% of students claimed that not enough is being taught about mental health within schools and universities.
Dr David Kingsley, Consultant Adolescent Psychiatrist at Priory Hospital Cheadle Royal, noted that: “Mental health problems are surprisingly common in students, including depression, self-harm, anxiety disorders and eating disorders. As this is often the first time they've been away from home, they can feel isolated and unable to access support for their difficulties. Universities and colleges usually offer counselling and support for such students and it's important that they feel able to access this."
He continued by suggesting that: "It's also important, however, that universities and colleges help other students to understand mental health issues better, so that students can access the support they need from their peers and their difficulties aren’t compounded by an experience of misunderstanding or prejudice from their friends.”
Third year students at highest risk
Unsurprisingly, when it came to diagnosis, third year students suffered most from anxiety and stress. Faced with the added pressures of final exams and the workload of dissertations, anxiety rose as high as 46% and stress reached alarming figures, with 90% of third years admitting to have suffered.
Sadly, when it came to depression, third years also suffered the highest with almost three quarters of third year students showing signs of depression.
Encouraging discussion
The results are being released as the University Mental Health and Advisors Network are preparing for their annual University Mental Health and Wellbeing Awareness Day, which takes place across university campuses in the UK. The event aims to create a mentally healthy environment for students and staff, whilst encouraging campuses to address and discuss student mental health.
Hopefully, events like this will create a more positive attitude towards mental health in the future and a more encouraging atmosphere for students in a university environment.