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Anita Chellamah-Nurse

Sessional Addiction and Trauma Therapist


Anita had a successful career in TV, film and the music industry, but due to her own experience with addiction and childhood trauma, reached rock bottom with her own addiction and got sober and clean in 1988.

Anita turned her life around and qualified at Roehampton Institute as a humanistic (person- centred) counsellor and has worked in 11 treatment centres, delivering addiction, trauma and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) treatment ever since.

Anita was therapeutic lead for a domestic violence charity called Changing Pathways. She was also involved in a government pilot, working with young people affected by addiction.

Anita mainly works in private practice and gets referrals from various organisations and psychiatrists. She is passionate about delivering the trauma programme for Priory Hospital North London.

Position at Priory

Anita is a sessional addiction and trauma therapist at Priory. She was employed between 2019 and 2021 as an addiction therapist, and managed and arranged the trauma programme for 18 months, delivering it twice in that time. She is now self-employed.

She is an accredited member of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and a member of Addiction Professionals.

Anita delivers the trauma programme at Priory Hospital North London and works with clients to prepare them for the programme and support them afterwards. She is also a DBT therapist.


  • Humanistic (person-centred) therapy diploma, Roehampton Institute - 1998
  • Level 1 and Advanced Post Induction Therapy
  • DBT training, UKAT – 2016