Anne McKenny

CBT Sessional Therapist


Anne McKenny is an accomplished and compassionate cognitive behavioural psychotherapist, with a distinguished 35 years of experience dedicated to supporting individuals on their transformative journey.

Anne is not just a therapist – she's a warm and understanding guide who has devoted her career to helping people reshape their perspectives on themselves and the world around them. Her wealth of expertise, she has been honed in diverse mental health teams, with a special focus on the healing of trauma.

If you're seeking a professional and caring ally for positive change, Anne is here for you, to accompany you on your path to a brighter, healthier outlook.


  • B.Sc. (Hons) psychology
  • R.M.N.
  • Diploma in CBT from St Patrick’s Hospital/Hull University
  • Accredited behavioural and cognitive psychotherapist (BABCP)
  • Accredited consultant in EMDR
  • Florence Nightingale Foundation scholar