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Dr Anand Paranjape

Consultant Psychiatrist


I started training in psychiatry in Mumbai in 1993 and finished my MD in psychological medicine in 1996. I worked as a lecturer in psychiatry in India for 2 1/2 years before coming to UK in 1999.

I trained in Charing Cross psychiatric rotation scheme in London and passed both parts of MRC psych examination in the first attempt and became a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrist in 2002.

I have been section 12 approved under the Mental Health Act since 2002 and approved clinician under Mental Health Act since 2007/8. I worked as a Locum consultant psychiatrist in West Wales (Hywel Dda NHS trust) for five years (2004-2009) covering both inpatients and community mental health services.

Between 2009-2013, I worked as a consultant psychiatrist with Craigmoore healthcare which was taken over by Priory. I worked with patients with learning disability/autism with associated mental health problems. I was Responsible Clinician for patients detained under the mental health act in a low secure unit and also provided input to group homes in the community. I also provided input for patients who admitted to neuro rehabitliation unit who were diagnosed with various neuro degenerative conditions.

I joined Cambian group in ((2014-2018) which was taken over by Cygnet healthcare) and worked as a consultant psychiatrist and responsible clinician in a locked rehabilitation unit for females with variety of mental health problems. Following this I worked in an adolescent unit for females with variety of mental health problems who were detained under the mental health act for nearly 5 years (2018-2023).

From April 2023 to October 2023 I worked as a consultant psychiatrist and responsible clinician for Elysium healthcare covering a low secure ward for males with variety of mental health problems who were detained under the mental health act. Since September 2023, I joined Iris care group and work there one day a week and provide consultant psychiatrist input to 2 wards – locked rehabilitation ward for females and low secure ward for males. I have been working as a Locum consultant psychiatrist in Bristol community rehabilitation team (Avon and Wiltshire NHS Trust) since October 2023 for three days a week.

I've been appointed as a second opinion appointed doctor (SOAD) in Wales since 2017 and regularly work as a second opinion Dr providing second opinion for the medications, ECT for patients who detained under the mental health act and who are deemed to lack capacity to consent to these treatments I've been appointed as a medical member of the mental health review tribunal in Wales in 2022 and regularly sit on the mental health review tribunal in Wales since that time.


  • MBBS (1993) - Bombay University 
  • M.D.( Psychological medicine) (1996) - Mumbai University 
  • D.P.M.(Diploma in psychological medicine) (1997) - College of positions and surgeons of Bombay 
  • M.R.C.Psych (2002) - Royal College of psychiatrists, London