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Dr Behrouz Nabavi

Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist and Medical Director at Priory Hospital Barnt Green


Dr Behrouz Nabavi is a senior consultant psychiatrist with over 20 years of experience in all areas of general adult psychiatry. His aim is provide person-centred care to his patients, adopting a caring, empathetic, and professional approach. Dr Nabavi’s priority is to focus on each patient’s own individual needs, and he tailors his professional skills in order to offer up-to-date, evidence-based treatment.

Dr Behrouz Nabavi ensure patient and carer feedback is taken on board, as a benchmark for the quality of care he aims to provide. He is proud to say he has never had a negative word said about him in the entire period of his medical practice.

Dr Nabavi has been providing medico-legal psychiatric reports for the past 15 years across most areas of the law. Cases include victims of childhood abuse, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. He also has an interest in psychopharmacology treatment and neuromodulation in psychiatry.

Position at Priory

Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director of Priory Barnt Green.

Runs adult ADHD clinics alongside his other responsibilities since 2022.


I qualified as HCPC registered forensic psychologist through the DForePsy Doctoral training programme at The University of Nottingham. I received my qualification in 2020. This training involved both professional practice assessments and academic research.

Research Interests

Dr Nabavi was awarded with the ‘Research Presentation Prize of 2014’ from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, West Midlands Division, for his research into comorbidity between bipolar affective disorders and anxiety disorders. He has also published several peer-review papers, as well as presenting research and clinical audits in national and international congresses. He has been involved in teaching and training medical students throughout his career, including during his current post.

Links to clinical articles/research papers:

  • Clinical Audit: Comorbidity in emotionally unstable personality disorder. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. Completion date in March 2021.
  • Clinical Audit: The use of Pregabalin within a Mental Health NHS Trust. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. March 2020.
  • Clinical Audit: Lithium as a first-line, long-term pharmacological treatment in bipolar affective disorder. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. March 2020.
  • Clinical Audit: The use of benzodiazepine in generalized anxiety disorders. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. March 2020.
  • Clinical Audit: The assessment of appropriate and adequate nicotine replacement therapy upon admission to acute inpatient psychiatric wards. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. February 2020.
  • Clinical Audit: The adherence of our local adult ADHD practice with the DVLA requirement. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. February 2019.
  • Clinical Audit: The management of bipolar affective disorder in acute settings. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. January 2019.
  • Clinical Audit: Baseline monitoring of serum prolactin prior to commencing antipsychotic medication. Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. November 2018.
  • Clinical Audit: Pharmacological treatment for adverse effects of antipsychotic medication. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, February 2018.
  • Clinical Audit: Adherence to NICE guidelines in prescribing medication in adult ADHD. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, April 2017.
  • Clinical Audit: Physical monitoring of patients on atypical long-acting antipsychotics (Adherence to NICE Guidelines). Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, March 2017.
  • Clinical Audit: Off-licence prescribing of antipsychotics in Personality Disorders. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, March 2017.
  • Clinical Audit: The use of benzodiazepine in psychiatric inpatient settings. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, February 2017.
  • Clinical Audit: A review of basic observations and physical examination of 100 consecutive inpatient cases at a psychiatric hospital, the Oleaster Centre, Birmingham, February 2016.
  • Nabavi B, Mitchell AJ, Nutt D. A lifetime prevalence of comorbidity between bipolar affective disorder and anxiety disorders: A meta-analysis of 52 interview-based studies of psychiatric population, EBioMedicine, vol. 2, issue 10, p1405-1419. (2015).
  • Nabavi B. Case Notes: Aripiprazole long-acting injection (Abilify Maintena) in the management of adult patients with schizophrenia, Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry (Case Notes), P: 2-7; UK/AM/0814/0237, September 2014.
  • Clinical Audit: A completed audit and re-audit to reduce psychiatric outpatients’ non-attendance rates, Small Heath Health Centre, Birmingham, 2014.
  1. Nabavi. Naturalistic study of patients on Paliperidone palmitate in a mental health trust in England, October 2014.
  2. Nabavi, V. Murali. A cross-sectional study: to estimate the prevalence rate of adult ADHD in substance use disorder, September 2014.
  • Nabavi SB, Mitchell AJ, Nutt D. A lifetime prevalence of comorbidity between bipolar affective disorder and anxiety disorders: A meta-analysis of 52 interview-based studies of outpatient/inpatient population, 2013-14.
  • Clinical Audit: A review of 50 medical reports for the First-Tier Tribunal, Hallam Street Hospital, West Bromwich, 2013.
  • Clinical Audit: Audit and re-audit of waiting times and referrals to the DSH Team, Leicester Royal Infirmary, 2012.
  • Clinical audit: Assessing Whether Local Mental Health Foundation Trust Guidelines are Adhered to in Regards to the Referral and Active Follow-Up of Service Users who do not Respond to Initial Contact from a CMHT, Ladywood CMHT, Birmingham, 2012.
  • Clinical Audit: A Review of Service Users Receiving a Copy of the Care Plan and Information on Treatment in the Home Treatment Service. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, 2010.
  • Nabavi B. Case report: Aripiprazole in first-episode psychosis. MIMS Advances in Schizophrenia; P: 6-7; Issue 3 June 2010.
  • Nabavi B (research facilitator). A multi-centred BALANCE trial, 2010.
  • Nabavi B. Clinical Survey: Obtaining the service users opinion on the overall quality of depot clinic, 2009.
  • Rahmanian HM, Nabavi B, Peivandi MH. Farsi Translation of Leaflet on Smoking and Mental Health. The Royal College of Psychiatrist,, September 2009.
  • Clinical Audit: Review of Referral to Home Treatment Team within a two-year period, Small Heath Health Centre, Birmingham, 2009.
  • Rahmanian HM, Nabavi B. Farsi Translation of Leaflet on Personality Disorder. The Royal College of Psychiatrist,, 2008.
  • Nabavi B. Clinical Survey: Physical Health of patients on Depot antipsychotic medications attending depot clinic, 2007.
  • Clinical Audit: Review of 200 referrals to CLDT Teams in 2001, Learning Disabilities Teams within Bath & North-East Somerset PCT, 2002.
  • Clinical Audit: Review of risk assessment screen in 50 inpatients at a psychiatric hospital, Green Lane Hospital Devizes, Wiltshire, 1999.
  • Nabavi B. Clinical Survey: A survey on smoking by nursing staff in three hospitals in Northampton, 1999.


  • Approved Schema Therapy Certification Programme – In progress (2022) with the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST)
  • BSc (Hons) Psychology - 2:1 at The University of Hull (2007)
  • DForenPsy - Doctorate in Forensic Psychology (BPS Accredited and HCPC registered) at The University of Nottingham (2020)
  • MSc in Forensic Psychology - Distinction at The University of Kent (2010