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Dr David McLaughlan

Consultant Psychiatrist


Dr David McLaughlan is a consultant psychiatrist with almost a decade of experience working in mental health. He is currently a visiting consultant at Priory Hospital Roehampton and is available to provide assessment and treatment of a range of disorders.


Dr McLaughlan graduated from The University of Dundee Medical School in 2009 and was the winner of The John Blair Trust Prize and American Graduates Prize in Pathology. During his undergraduate, he also awarded an additional intercalated degree in Neuroscience.

Dr McLaughlan’s clinical training began at Chelsea Westminster Hospital in London before attending the world class Maudlsey Training Program at The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN).

He was later awarded a Research Fellowship from the IoPPN within the division of health service and population research and subsequently made a scholar of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and undertook further training at The Centre For Sustainable Healthcare in Oxford.

After completing his training, Dr McLaughlan became an NHS Consultant at Lambeth Hospital where he provided assessment and treatment of people experiencing severe mental health difficulties.

In 2020, he began working in the independent sector as a rehabilitation psychiatrist and is now the Clinical Director of an independent provider of mental healthcare.

Dr McLaughlan has contributed to a number of research papers, medical texts and internationally recognised treatment guidelines. He also supports a number of LGBTQ charities and actively promotes the celebration of equality, diversity and inclusion. He looks after his own mental wellbeing by hiking and swimming. He is a three time gold medallist at the British Masters Swimming Championships as part of his club’s relay team.

Research Interests

Digital health

Workplace wellbeing

First episode psychosis

LGBTQ mental wellbeing

Addiction and substance missuse

Links to clinical articles/research papers:

  • Jauhar J, Lai S, Bonoldi I, Salazar de Pablo G, di Forti M, Alameda L, Donocik J, Iacoponi E, Spencer T, Haege B, McLaughlan D, Taylor D, Youn A, Thornicroft G, Gaughran F, MacCabe J, Murray R, McGuire P, Fusar Poli P. Early intervention in psychosis during the COVID- 19 pandemic : Maudsley recommendations. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 2021
    Early intervention in psychosis during the COVID-19 pandemic: Maudsley recommendations - ScienceDirect
  • McLaughlan D, Lapraik A, Jones L. Outside the NHS; Innovative ways to promote mental health awareness amongst the LGBTQ+ community. The Psychiatric Eye. RCPsych London Division. Winter 2019 Edition. * Winner of best article. london-division---newsletter-winter-edition-2019.pdf (
  • Taylor, Barnes and Young. Alcohol Chapter. The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry. Alcohol chapter. 13th edition. Wiley Blackwell 2018
  • McLaughlan D, Finch E, Reinhard Krausz M, Rataemane S, Van Den Brink W, Strang J, Kelleher M, Da Silva A G, Parry C, Myers B, Romalho R, Maremmani A G, Hopwood M. Position Statement on Substance Use Disorders. World Psychiatric Association. 2018.
  • Keynejad R, Creed S, Fernando M, Bell D, Codling D, Crother G, Harrison J, Jaleel S, Kendall K, Megahey L, Noble E, O’Donnell C, Pilcher F, Walker T, McLaughlan D. Docbate: A National Medical Student Debate, Academic Psychiatry. Published online 17 March 2017.
  • Stringer, Hurn and Burnside. Psychiatry: breaking the ice. Introductions, Common Tasks and Emergencies for Trainees. Clinical advisor chapter 29: Pregnancy. Wiley Blackwell. 2015.
  • McLaughlan D, Dewhurst T et al 2015. Doctors at war. Letters to the editor. The Saturday Telegraph. October 2015.
  • McLaughlan D, Docbate 2015 – one night, one motion, serious fun. Registrar, the PTC magazine. February 2015.
  • McLaughlan D, “An interview with Sir Professor Simon Wessely: Media perception of mental illness” The London division of the RCPsych Winter newsletter. 2014
  • McLaughlan D, Book review of “Anxiety: A Very Short Introduction by Daniel Freeman, Jason Freeman.” The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2012 201: 415-416


Hello and thank you for considering coming to see me at Priory Hospital Roehampton.

My natural style is quite relaxed and I tend to take a very collaborative approach with patients.

One of my priorities is to create a safe space where people feel understood and respected.

Usually, I’ll start by just listening to you and asking a few questions. Later, I might offer some advice or suggest spending some time together creating a tailored treatment plan which suits your unique circumstances and needs.

I really do love my job and I find it incredibly rewarding to help people achieve their full potential in life. If you are interested in working with me, please get in contact with the team at Priory Hospital Roehampton.


Overcoming addictive behaviours
Anxiety-relieving vagus nerve exercises
Box breathing exercise
Dealing with drug and alcohol cravings
Is ketamine the UK's next drug crisis?
Catastrophising: what is it and how do we stop
Staying sober (or cutting down) over winter