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Dr Samir Shah

Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director


Dr Samir Shah is Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director at Priory Hospital Altrincham. Dr Shah has wide range of experience in the assessment and management of mental health conditions with particular interest and expertise in adult ADHD, mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder, psychosis, phobias, stress and burnout related conditions and occupational mental health. His approach includes biopsychosocial and positive wellbeing strategies towards assessment, treatment and recovery with particular emphasis on stress and resilience. Dr Shah has held NHS leadership positions as college tutor, lead consultant and clinical director prior to joining Priory Group.

Dr Shah encourages and supports patients and carers as best as possible. He had nominated two Altrincham hospital patients and one of them won the prestigious Service User of the Year Award at the RCPsych NW Division 2020. Dr Shah was also shortlisted for Psychiatrist of the Year award at the RCPsych NW Division 2020.


Dr Shah graduated from the University of Mumbai (India) in 2002 with Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). In the UK, he then completed his postgraduate psychiatric training, mainly in the North West working across Greater Manchester hospitals and was awarded the Membership of Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) in 2009. As a specialist registrar, Dr Shah gained further experience in Psychiatry including liaison psychiatry.

He started as NHS Consultant Psychiatrist in 2012 and then joined Priory Group in 2018.

In recognition of his contribution to psychiatry, he is elected to the Fellowship of Royal College of Psychiatrists (FRCPsych) in 2021.

He holds an MSc degree in Psychiatry from the University of Manchester and PGDiploma in Health and Public Leadership (NorthWest Medical Leadership Programme).


  • English
  • Hindi


  • FRCPsych: Royal College of Psychiatrists (2021)
  • MB BS: University of Mumbai, India (2002)
  • MRCPsych: Royal College of Psychiatrists (2009)
  • MSc in Psychiatry – University of Manchester (2012)