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Based on your answers

Depression Message

0 - 5
Mild depression
6 - 10
Moderate depression
11 - 15
Moderately severe
16 - 30
Severe depression

Fast access to depression treatment and support

Gain access to world-class private treatment for depression at our network of hospitals and wellbeing centres. Please call us today and speak to our expert advisers.

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Videos from our experts

You've taken a positive step by completing our depression test. To support you further, we’ve curated a selection of videos featuring our mental health experts. These videos, a valuable part of your wellness toolkit, provide practical advice, techniques for managing symptoms, and deeper insights into depression.

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR): A guided meditation for sleep
Body scan meditation
10 minute guided meditation for depression

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Contact us for help, referrals or more information

At Priory, we want to ensure we provide the very best service to everyone we support. Your feedback is really important to us.

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