Binge eating disorder (BED) can be a challenging and isolating experience, affecting lots of people throughout the UK. In this guide, we’ll explore what BED is, the signs and symptoms to look out for, and the treatment options available. From private rehab options to the potential role of medication, we can help you to navigate the journey towards recovery.
BED, also known as ‘compulsive eating disorder’, is a common condition that’s now widely recognised as an eating disorder. BED involves people binge eating on a regular basis. Binge eating is when someone consumes a large amount of food within a single sitting, regardless of whether or not they’re hungry. People with BED often feel as though they’ve lost control during these bingeing episodes, and eat in a frenzied and compulsive manner.
Unlike other eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, people with BED don’t show any purging behaviours, such as making themselves sick or exercising excessively. This means that the constant overeating associated with BED can cause obesity and other related complications.
Another difference between BED and other eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, is that binge eating is more commonly associated with depression and an inability to regulate emotions, whereas anorexia and bulimia are more commonly associated with anxiety and an inability to regulate thoughts.
It’s estimated that BED affects around 1.5% of the UK population. BED tends to affect both men and women equally, and research suggests that this condition is more common in adults between the ages of 20 and 40. However, it’s important to understand that anyone can develop BED, regardless of their age, gender or background. For more information on the prevalence and statistics of BED, you can visit our eating disorder statistics page.
BED can have serious physical and emotional consequences. Recognising the seriousness of this condition is a crucial first step towards getting treatment and support.