Types of OSFED
OSFED is an umbrella term and people experience this condition differently. There are a number of distinct eating disorders that fall under this umbrella that have their own tell-tale signs, without the classical symptoms of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or BED.
Pica causes someone to consume substances that aren’t meant to be eaten and have no nutritional value. Examples might include things like chalk, paint, soap and paper. People with pica will usually eat normal foods too, which means they tend to get the nutrients they need. However, many of the additional substances they consume can be dangerous and can cause a range of problems such as poisoning, cracked teeth, infections and sickness.
Rumination disorder
Rumination disorder is a condition that causes people to regurgitate (spit up) food that hasn’t been digested. They may then either re-chew and re-swallow the food, or spit it out. Those with rumination disorder may experience malnutrition, weight loss or dental erosion due to bringing up partially digested food.
This behaviour isn’t caused by a sickness bug or any other physical problem that would lead to vomiting, and the person doesn’t feel sick before they regurgitate food.
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
ARFID is when a person avoids and/or restricts the amount they eat of certain foods.
However, unlike with anorexia nervosa, a person with ARFID doesn’t restrict the amount they eat because they're concerned about their weight or shape. They might avoid or restrict their food for a number of other reasons. These include:
- Having a traumatic experience with a certain type of food
- Having sensitivities to food smell, taste, texture or temperature
- Having a low interest in eating