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Treatment and referrals
0330 056 6020
General enquiries
0800 138 8680
Individuals and families
Individuals and families
Individuals and families
World-class addiction treatment programmes, designed to meet the needs of each individual we support.
Addiction treatment
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Alcohol rehab
Alcohol rehab
Alcohol test
Alcohol rehab
Symptoms of alcoholism
Alcohol addiction withdrawal
Alcohol detox
Drug rehab
Drug rehab
Drug rehab
Cocaine addiction
Heroin addiction
Prescription drug addiction treatment
Private addiction rehab
Behavioural addictions
Behavioural addictions
Gambling addiction
Internet addiction
Sex and love addiction
Shopping addiction treatment
Addiction types
Addiction types
A-Z of addictions
For information on the full range of addictions we support.
Treatment programmes
Treatment programmes
Free confidential addiction assessment
What to expect from rehab
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for addiction
Rehab aftercare
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Payment and funding options
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Mental health
Mental health
Expert mental health support is available at Priory, the UK's leading mental health treatment provider.
Private treatment
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Depression test
Depression symptoms
Depression treatment
Depression medication
Depression in men
Depression in women
Anxiety test
Anxiety symptoms
Anxiety diagnosis
Anxiety treatment
Anxiety in men
Anxiety in women
Postpartum anxiety
Eating disorders
Eating disorders
Eating disorder treatment
Autism support
Autism support
Private autism assessments
Online autism tests
Autism support at Priory
Signs of autism
Private CAMHS
Private CAMHS
Private CAMHS
Private CAMHS assessments
Other conditions treated
Other conditions treated
OCD treatment
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment
Stress treatment
Treatment programmes
Treatment programmes
Treatment programmes overview
Inpatient (residential) treatment
Day care and outpatient treatment
Online therapy
Online mental health self assessments
What to expect from mental health treatment
Payment and funding options
Mental health A-Z
Mental health A-Z
A-Z of mental health conditions
For information on the full range of conditions we support.
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Residential homes
Residential homes
Priory provides a range of adult residential services supporting those with a learning disability, autism, brain injury, Prader-Willi syndrome, behaviours that challenge or a mental health condition.
Residential services
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Residential services
Residential services
Residential services
Autism support
Brain injury services
Learning disability support
Mental health support
Positive behaviour support (PBS)
Prader-Willi syndrome support
Older people's care
Older people's care
Older people's care services
Dementia care homes
Nursing care services
Palliative care services
Residential care homes
Respite care homes and services
Useful information
Useful information
Payment and funding options
Working with the NHS and local authorities
Not sure where to start?
NHS local authorities
Supported living
Supported living
We believe that everyone has the right to live the life they choose for themselves. Our supported living services enable people to live happy and fulfilling lives in their own homes, with their own tenancies.
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About our services
About our services
Supported living
Priory stories
Priory stories
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About our funding and referrals process
Working with the NHS and local authorities
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NHS local authorities
If you want information about a specific Priory site, including those delivering services through the NHS or a local authority, use our search tool.
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Private hospitals
Private hospitals
Priory Hospital Roehampton, London
Life Works, Surrey
Priory Hospital Altrincham
Priory Hospital Barnt Green
Priory Hospital Bristol
Priory Hospital Chelmsford
Priory Hospital Glasgow
Priory Hospital Hayes Grove, Kent
Priory Hospital North London
Priory Hospital Ticehurst House, Sussex
Priory Hospital Woking
Priory Hospital Woodbourne, Birmingham
The Cottage, Woking
Wimbledon Park Clinic
London Young Peoples Inpatient Mental Health
Private wellbeing centres
Private wellbeing centres
Priory Wellbeing Centre Birmingham
Bristol Park Clinic
Priory Wellbeing Centre Canterbury
Priory Wellbeing Centre Harley Street
Priory Wellbeing Centre Manchester
Priory Wellbeing Centre Oxford
Priory Wellbeing Centre Southampton
North East Network Region
Priory Clinic Aberdeen
Priory Clinic Edinburgh
Useful information
Useful information
Payment and funding options
Working with the NHS and local authorities
Local rehab services near you
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International enquiries
Private outpatient treatment
Private outpatient treatment
Our network of hospitals and wellbeing centres provides quick access to private outpatient support, including consultant assessments and therapy.
Therapy availability
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Inpatient (residential) treatment
Day care and outpatient treatment
Online therapy
Private CAMHS
Private autism support
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About our services
Support for GPs
Support for GPs
Support for GPs
Support for consultants
Support for consultants
Working with Priory
Private inpatient information
Private 24/7 bed availability
Priory has structured its services to align with NHS provision, in order to ensure a consistent approach to treatment. Our national network means that we are able to offer a full care pathway to patients, depending on their unique needs and the intensity of the support that is required.
Bed availability
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Working with the NHS and local authorities
Services for the NHS
Services for the NHS
Our partnership with the NHS
Acute and psychiatric intensive care units (PICU)
Rehabilitation and recovery (R&R)
NHS eating disorder services
Secure services
Brain injury services
Bespoke therapeutic placements (BTPs)
Private mental health and addiction services
Private mental health and addiction services
Addiction treatment
Mental health
Eating disorders
Private CAMHS
More information
More information
About our services
Integrated care systems
Tailored care pathways
Support for GPs
Support for GPs
Support for GPs
Support for consultants
Support for consultants
Working with Priory
Residential homes
Priory provides a range of adult residential services supporting those with a learning disability, autism, brain injury, Prader-Willi syndrome, behaviours that challenge or a mental health condition.
Bed availability
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Working with the NHS and local authorities
Autism support
Brain injury services
CAMHS transitional services
Homes with nursing
Learning disability support
Mental health support
Older people's care services
Prader-Willi syndrome support
More information
More information
Residential services overview
Positive behaviour support (PBS)
Integrated care systems (ICSs)
Care pathways
Care pathways
Tailored care pathways
Supported living
Supported living
We work closely with landlords to ensure that our residents receive the highest standards of care and support within housing accommodation. Our teams have significant expertise in supporting people with complex needs, including positive behaviour support (PBS).
Residential bed availability
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Working with the NHS and local authorities
Our regions
Our regions
East England
Hull and East Riding
London and Home Counties
North Yorkshire
South Wales
The Shires
West Midlands
Whitby and Scarborough
More information
More information
Supported living service overview
Our funding and referrals process
Positive behaviour support (PBS)
Integrated care systems (ICSs)
Care pathways
Care pathways
Tailored care pathways
Autism and learning disability
Autism and learning disability
Our aim is to develop the skills of the people we support to help them make sense of the world around them, and through person-centred care plans, encourage them to achieve their goals and aspirations.
Bed availability
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Working with the NHS and local authorities
Residential services
Residential services
Residential autism support
Residential learning disability support
Autism assessments and transitions
Hospital services
Hospital services
Learning disability and autism support
Bespoke therapeutic placements (BTPs)
Private autism services
Private autism services
Private autism diagnosis and support
Private autism assessments for children and adults
Signs of autism
Care pathways
Care pathways
Tailored care pathways
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Treatment and referrals
0330 056 6020
General enquiries
0800 138 8680
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I need a location providing access to private treatment e.g. self-pay or through private medical insurance
I need to find a location providing services delivered through the NHS or a local authority. Please note, referrals for NHS or local authority funded services must come from a referring organisation.
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What type of support are you enquiring about?
Addiction services
CAMHS (young people's) services
Eating disorder services
Mental health services
Such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD and bipolar disorder
Hospital inpatient mental health services (including autism and learning disability)
Older people’s services
Residential services
Supported living services
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Please select from the options below
Please select which category of service you require
Acquired brain injury (ABI)
Acute inpatient services
Addiction treatment
Adjustment disorder
Adult social care
Alcohol Rehabilitation
Alzheimer's disease
Amphetamine addiction
Anger management
Anorexia athletica
Anorexia nervosa
Attachment disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Autism support
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
Bespoke therapeutic placements (BTPs)
Binge eating disorder (BED)
Bipolar disorder
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
Brain injury services
Brain injury services
Bulimia nervosa
CAMHS eating disorders
CAMHS psychosis
Cannabis addiction
Cocaine addiction
Community focused rehabilitation
Conduct disorder
Dementia care homes
Dementia support
Drug rehabilitation
Drug-induced psychosis
Early onset dementia
Eating disorders
Eating disorders
Eating disorders
End of life/palliative care
Exercise addiction
Food addiction
Gambling addiction
Gaming addiction
Gender dysphoria
Heroin addiction
High dependency rehabilitation
High dependency units - (HDUs)
High dependency units (HDUs)
Homepage blog items
Homes with nursing
Huntington's disease
Internet addiction
Ketamine addiction
Korsakoff's syndrome
Learning disability
Learning disability and autism NHS service
Learning disability and autism support
Lewy body dementia
Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS)
Mental health
Mental health services
Mental health treatment
Motor neurone disease (MND)
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Neurobehavioural services
Neurophysical services
Neuropsychiatry, older adults and dementia
Neuropsychiatry, older adults and dementia
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Older people's services
Older people's services
Online therapy
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
Other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED)
Panic attack treatment
Parkinson's disease
Personality disorders
Personality disorders
Porn addiction
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Postnatal depression
PR and statements
Prader-Willi syndrome
Prescription drug addiction treatment
Private CAMHS
Psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU)
Rehabilitation and recovery (R&R)
Rehabilitation and recovery (R&R) – all services
Respite care services
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Secure services (low)
Secure services (medium)
Selective mutism
Services - Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)
Sex and love addiction
Sexual dysfunction
Shopping addiction
Sleep disorders (insomnia)
Somatic symptom disorder (SSD)
Supported living services
Tourette's syndrome
Transitional CAMHS
Transitional living services for young people and young adults
Treatment-resistant depression
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