Priory Ty Cwm Rhondda, Tyntyla Avenue, Ystrad, Rhondda, CF41 7SU
Ty Cwm Rhondda is a 20-bedded low secure mental health facility offering high quality assessment, treatment and rehabilitation services for males with complex mental health needs, serious mental illnesses including treatment-resistant presentations, and challenging behaviour.
In partnership with the NHS, Priory Hospital Woodbourne has 70 beds across 6 wards and provides a diverse range of inpatient services for males and females.
Priory Lichfield Road is a community facing rehabilitation and recovery service set within a modern, purpose-built community focused centre, specifically designed to support both males and females who have severe, complex and enduring mental health needs, which might include treatment-resistant conditions.
Priory Lombard House, Anchor Corner, Little Ellingham, Attleborough, NR17 1JY
Lombard House is a specialist learning disability rehabilitation service for males with a history of offending behaviour and other conditions including autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs), personality disorders and mental illnesses.
Newcombe Lodge is a 7-bedded transitional recovery service for females aged between 13 and 18 years with complex mental health and risk taking behaviours.
The Lighthouse in Gloucestershire, is 5-bedded transitional recovery service for females over the age of 13, supporting people to engage with meaningful activity in the community.