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Education events and resources

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Events and education support

Priory regularly hosts events at hospitals and wellbeing centres across the country, and is able to offer education support at your practice.

We also have a number of expert speakers with a wide range of specialities, who are available to visit your practice to host bespoke educational seminars. Our free sessions will last for up to one hour and include a presentation which will cover both the theory relating to the session topic, and an outline of practical ways that healthcare professionals can help their patients.

All practice staff or associated healthcare professionals, including GP registrars, practice nurses, medical students and locums, are welcome to attend and will be issued with an attendance certificate which can be used as evidence for CPD training.

Event topics

The following are a selection of topics which our specialist team can present on:

  • Anxiety and panic disorders - identifying, differentiating and treating the spectrum of anxiety disorders
  • Health and anxiety - how to support ‘heart sink patients’ and treat medically unexplained symptoms
  • Borderline personality disorder and mood disorders - response, action and treatment advice for GPs
  • Depression treatment - update including NICE guidance, medication and treatment resistance
  • Handling addiction in general practice - identifying, supporting and treating patients suffering with addiction
  • Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - how to manage in adults
  • Bipolar disorders - Identifying and treating the spectrum of bipolar affective disorder
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) - providing it in general practice
  • Sleep disorders - holistic and medical management of sleep disorders and insomnia
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - identifying and treating OCD in children, adolescents and adults
  • Managing eating disorders - identifying and treating eating disorders
  • Dementia management - identification in general practice and specialist services

We can also consider tailored requests for support including a wide range of child and adolescent seminars, non-clinical seminars, local case study reviews and Q&As with a specialist from your regional Priory hospital.

Hear from our experts

We regularly speak to Priory experts about a particular mental health condition or topic and gain their useful insights and knowledge. We offer advice and support to aid patient discussions.

If you would like to receive our regular Bitesize communication, you can sign up to Priory Bitesize here.

Treatment of ketamine misuse

Supporting discussions about depression

Busting myths around eating disorders

Discussing EUPD with Dr Desai-Gupta

Generalised anxiety disorder

Supporting health and social anxiety

Tips for discussing self-harm

Discussing GAD and long covid with Dr Gupta

Early diagnosis of eating disorders and understanding over exercise as part of the illness

Top 5 tips for supporting young people

Supporting those who use alcohol as a coping mechanism

Supporting GPs in their consultations - OCD

Supporting young people with anxiety

Supporting men’s health

Health anxiety and psychogenic disorders

Feedback welcome

We continually seek to improve our communications and we welcome your feedback. Did you find Priory Bitesize useful? Whether yes or no, please help us by telling us why. For further information about Priory Bitesize please email [email protected]

Priory has a nationwide network of hospitals and wellbeing centres that offer access to treatment and therapy to help improve the lives of those living with a mental health condition. For more information on our locations, please click here.

Make a referral into Priory

We o­ffer simple, efficient and secure processes for referring patients into Priory, which you can utilise by:

GP practices are also able to make referrals to Priory through their own systems including EMIS Web and SystmOne. Your regional PPS can support you with any queries, including integrating your practice systems.

Contact us for help, referrals or more information

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