Nathan's pathway story

Nathan* has a diagnosis of schizophrenia and had struggled with substance misuse. Throughout his life, this had a detrimental impact on his development, emotional regulation and coping strategies. Nathan needed a setting which could cater to his more individualised needs and where he could work on his inter personal skills, anger awareness and self-belief.

Nathan* has a diagnosis of schizophrenia and had struggled with substance misuse. Throughout his life, this had a detrimental impact on his development, emotional regulation and coping strategies. Nathan needed a setting which could cater to his more individualised needs and where he could work on his inter personal skills, anger awareness and self-belief.

Nathan's pathway journey at Priory Hospital Dewsbury

Nathan* has a diagnosis of schizophrenia and had struggled with substance misuse. Throughout his life, this had a detrimental impact on his development, emotional regulation and coping strategies.

He was admitted onto Hartley Ward at Dewsbury, from another inpatient unit, to progress his rehabilitation and recovery within a high dependency service. Nathan needed a setting which could cater to his more individualised needs and where he could work on his inter personal skills, anger awareness and self-belief.

His presenting problems included poor coping strategies, long periods of time spent in his bedroom, and socially isolating with no friends. The aim of this admission was to re-engage him in the community, provide support in structuring his own day, and lead him towards a more independent life.

  • The psychologist undertook both risk awareness work and motivational interviewing with Nathan, helping to develop his self-belief
  • The occupational therapist provided interventions to address his skills for independent living, including using public transport and engaging in community opportunities
  • The nursing staff worked with him to enable selfmedicating, and to increase his understanding of his illness and its impact on his life
  • He had supported access to his new flat, until gradually he was spending time there alone

Nathan made positive steps with the support of the team at Dewsbury, and when it came time for his discharge, he was proving he could manage his behaviours himself. Hartley Ward ensured Nathan kept a close relationship with his father, which included visits twice a week, and going shopping. The community mental health services were also visiting on a regular basis, offering support and monitoring his medications.

Nathan is still enjoying community living and enjoys living in his own flat, with this support around him.

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