Neill's story
Cherrywood House supports resident to learn new words and signs.
Neill is now also able to choose his own breakfast, add milk to cereal, take empty plates to the kitchen, and bring laundry to the laundry room. He also enjoys to choose his own clothes when shown different options.
Neill* is autistic, has a learning disability, and experiences severe global delay. He came to Cherrywood House having been living at home, where his needs became too complex for his family to manage appropriately.
Neill requires 24 hour, one-to-one care and supervision at all times, and two-to-one care when out in the community.
He is fully non-verbal and he has needed full support in all aspects of daily life, including dressing, personal care, eating, and going to the bathroom.
The team at Cherrywood House ensured Neill’s family and social worker, were all a part of his transition to the home, to make it as comfortable and as smooth as possible for him during this daunting time.
Neill loves animals, and enjoyed it when donkey therapy was brought to the home, to interact with residents. He also enjoys supervised trips to farms and garden centres, trips to cafes and Longleat, and these activities have been a useful part of Neill’s experience with us.
One huge achievement is that Neill has learnt new words and sounds, since being at Cherrywood, and he now also communicates with his own signs. He called his father ‘Dad’ for the first time, enjoys bubbles in the bath, and now knows the sign for ‘bubbles’ when he is in the paddling pool.
Neill is now also able to choose his own breakfast, add milk to cereal, take empty plates to the kitchen, and bring laundry to the laundry room. He also enjoys to choose his own clothes when shown different options.
Neill’s family have stated they are “very happy” with the care he has received at Cherrywood House and our home manager said of Neill: “He is an amazing individual who has a wonderful personality. Our aim is to work on learning more words and furthering his independent living skills, to enhance his life even more”.
*Name changed to protect identity