Live your life: residential support stories

Inspirational stories from incredible people who have achieved positive outcomes, with support from Priory.

Each year, Priory supports people across the UK in their mission to overcome their challenges with a range of conditions through our residential services. Here are just a few of those inspirational stories.

Tom's story - Bedborough House

Tom is an autistic man, who also has a learning disability and epilepsy. Despite living at Bedborough House for a number of years, back in 2021 Tom began exhibiting more behaviours of concern.

Miles's story - Ebbsfleet House

Miles is a young autistic man with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a learning disability, pica and sensory processing difficulties. See how Miles getting on in a bespoke flat at Ebbsfleet House as part of our residential services.

Beverley's story - a positive transition to The Lodge

Beverley* has a learning disability and also suffers with schizoaffective disorder. She moved to The Lodge having been previously placed in an elderly care home for people in their 50s, which was not suitable for her needs. Read her full story.

Julie's transition story - Apple Mews

Julie is an autistic woman who also has a learning disability and Tourette’s syndrome. She came to live at Apple Mews after a structured transition from a secure hospital.

John's story - Millburn

John has a diagnosis of a learning disability and schizophrenia. He came to Millburn after spending several years in hospital due to a significant decline in his mental health.

Jade's story - The Lawrence

Jade came to live at The Lawrence in 2020, feeling shy and uncertain. Since then, Jade has been supported to make positive changes to her lifestyle, become more independent, and find new passions.

Tommy's story - Kirklea

The team at Kirklea have recently developed a bespoke self-contained flat for Tommy, a gentleman who has a learning disability.

Brendan's story - Riddrie House

Brendan stepped down to Riddrie House from a hospital setting, after experiencing difficulties with his schizophrenia. After developing his skills at the home, he has since moved on to more independent living.

Roy's story - Yew Tree Lodge

Roy has a diagnosis of schizophrenia. After spending some time in hospital receiving treatment, Roy came to Yew Tree Lodge, where he is now working towards a greater level of independence.

Tim's story - Egerton Road

Tim developed an acquired brain injury (ABI) after undergoing surgery to remove an aneurysm. He came to live at Egerton Road, where he has been supported to regain some independence.

Neil's pathway story - Riverbank to Priory Supported Living Hull

Neil came to Riverbank from a secure forensic service. After developing greater independence, and has since moved on to his own flat in supported living.

Chris's story - Millburn to Supported Living Scotland

Chris is a young man with a learning disability, who had experienced a difficult life before coming to Millburn. He has now moved on to live in his own flat in the community, and has achieved great success in gaining his first job.

Will's pathway story - Priory Highbank Centre to The Elton Unit

Following a road accident, Will underwent active rehabilitation at Priory Highbank Centre, before stepping down to The Elton Unit.

Rachel’s story - Lichfield Road

Follow Rachel's story, from admittance into Lichfield Road to discharge to supported accommodation in an area she was familiar with and that is close to her family.

Carina's story - Grafton Manor

Carina came to Grafton Manor after sustaining an acquired brain injury (ABI). Since then, she has focused on developing her independence at the home.

Jason's story - Princes Street

Jason is an autistic man who also has a learning disability and a mental health condition. Princes Street have supported him to improve his quality of life.

Anthony’s step-down story - Riverbank to Supported Living Hull

Anthony came to Priory as a resident at Riverbank, one of Priory’s residential services in Hull. He has since progressed in his pathway and is now a tenant at Suttonv House, a Priory Supported Living Hull & East Riding service.

A grandparent's story - Bishops Corner

Grandparent's of a resident at Bishop's corner who was struggling with his mental health, share their story.

Richard's story - Notts Hill House

Richard came to Notts Hill House to continue his brain injury rehabilitation in a community setting. Since then, has made some remarkable achievements in his recovery.

Rohan's pathway story - Priory Hospital Mildmay Oaks to The Old Rectory

After Rohan received treatment at Priory Hospital Mildmay Oaks, he was supported to transition back to community living at The Old Rectory.

Donna's story - Bromyard Road

Donna has a learning disability and anxiety. She came to Bromyard Road from a hospital setting, and has since achieved a number of amazing outcomes.

Declan's story - Loughshore

Declan is an autistic man, who moved to Loughshore from children's services. Learn how he has been supported by his team to enjoy an improved quality of life.

Cameron's pathway story - Priory Hospital Hayes Grove to Sapphire House

Cameron successfully moved into a residential placement at Sapphire House after receiving treatment at Priory Hospital Hayes Grove.

Gwenda's rehabilitation story - Cleveland House

Gwenda came to Cleveland House suffering with locked-in syndrome. Now, she is preparing to move into her own home in the community with her partner.

Janet's rehabilitation story - Cleveland House

Janet came to Cleveland House from a hospital setting. Here, she is working on regaining her independence, and has reached some major milestones in her rehabilitation.

Robert's story - Progress House

When Robert first arrived at Progress House, he was withdrawn and disengaged. With support from his core staff team, Robert has come out of his shell and has achieved some amazing outcomes.

Terry's story - Lansdowne Road

Terry is a gentleman with a learning disability and mental health needs. He came to live at Lansdowne Road after sadly being bereaved.

Mark's story - Bowden Lodge

Mark came to live at Bowden Lodge after struggling with his mental health and his alcohol use. Hear about his story and the positive outcomes he has achieved.

Owain and his parents' story - Eastrop House

A parent discusses the process of seeking residential support for their autistic son, Owain. They are delighted that Owain has settled into his new home at Priory Eastrop House.

Millie's story - Eastrop House

Millie is autistic and has a learning disability and epilepsy. She transitioned to an adult placement at Priory Eastrop House from a residential school setting.

Christopher's story - Alphonsus House

Christopher has schizophrenia, and suffered from an assault which left him with physical disabilities. He receives residential support at Alphonsus House, enabling him to grow his confidence in accessing the community again.

Pauline's story - Alphonsus House

Pauline has a diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder. She came to Alphonsus House after suffering unfortunate life circumstances, which had caused her mental health to decline.

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