Steve's story - a Hazelwood House case study

Read about Steve's story from 4 to 1 nursing care, to enjoying real work opportunities.

Steve* came to Hazelwood House from another provider, where he was receiving 4 to 1 nursing care. With the support of our team from the moment Steve arrived, he soon only needed 2 to 1 care, and it soon was apparent this could reduce further within a matter of weeks.

He now also attends and actively engages in his own ward rounds and reviews, and always contributes to decisions made about his care.

Positive outcomes at Hazelwood House

Steve* came to Hazelwood House from another provider, where he was receiving 4 to 1 nursing care, on a closed ward. He had a long admission history and incidents were occurring multiple times per day.

With the support of our team from the moment Steve arrived, he soon only needed 2 to 1 care, and it soon was apparent this could reduce further within a matter of weeks. Steve was encouraged to participate in therapeutic activities, to support his move toward discharge back to the community. This included psychology sessions, which aimed to help Steve understand his own conditions. We also could provide a thorough positive behaviour support plan, and Steve was able to input into this himself, which gave him a sense of responsibility and ownership.

Once his confidence grew, Steve began to take part in real work opportunities. For him, this included maintenance and ground keeping, as this is where his interests lay. He now also attends and actively engages in his own ward rounds and reviews, and always contributes to decisions made about his care.

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