Scottish care home highly praised by inspectors, residents and families

Dare: 8th August 2023

  • Berelands has a ‘welcoming feeling’ created by a ‘nurturing culture’, says watchdog
  • One family member said ‘all mum’s care needs are met consistently and to a very high standard’
  • Inspectors spoke of ‘consistent kindness’ and said Berelands was led in a way that was strongly influenced by residents, with family welcomed at all times of day
  • Residents experienced compassion, dignity and respect and ‘get the most out of life’

A ‘very welcoming, warm and compassionate’ care home in Scotland has been highly praised by inspectors and families.

The home, run by Priory, the mental health and social care specialists, said Berelands in Prestwick, was ‘very good’ across four categories for its leadership, staff, and the care and support it offered its residents. The setting was rated ‘good’.

Berelands House has 63 rooms including 35 for those with dementia. Inspectors spoke to residents as well as to 15 of their family, friends and representatives.

“Residents benefitted from being supported by a skilled staff team who worked well together and there were high standards of cleanliness throughout,” said inspectors from Scotland’s Care Inspectorate. “There were warm and compassionate relationships between people living there and the staff who supported them. Berelands had a welcoming feeling created by a nurturing culture across the team, and we saw consistent kindness and the commitment of all staff. People felt respected and listened to because their wishes and preferences were used to shape how they were supported.”

Praising the way the home is led, inspectors said there were “significant strengths” in how the care was provided by the management team, which was approachable and strove for continuous improvement. “People we spoke with commented very positively about the skills and kindness of staff. People told us ‘Berelands just made things so natural and easy, the staff are great’. Another said: ‘I can honestly say that all of mum’s care needs are met consistently and to a very high standard.’” One family of a resident who had moved in just a few weeks before the unannounced inspection said: ‘It has given the family peace of mind knowing that mum is happy and safe here.’ Inspectors said they had spoken to another family who said they had witnessed ‘such a difference in mum as if something has lifted her. Mum has been joining in with things that she would never have before.’

Home manager Teresa Mangonon said: “I am humbled by the comments of family members who say their loved ones are so happy, relaxed and content here. This is what we strive to achieve. Staff work very hard to ensure individual needs are met and that there is a supportive and inclusive approach so carers and family members feel included in the care we deliver. We have a full programme of activities and we enjoy life together.”

Rebekah Cresswell, Priory CEO, said: “I couldn’t be prouder of Teresa and the team at Berelands. Their dedication to what they do is demonstrated in every page of this report, which is a glowing testimony to their skill. Providing this level of care takes passion and commitment. Our colleagues deserve this recognition; the work they do day in, day out, is inspirational.”



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About Priory and MEDIAN

Priory is the UK’s leading independent provider of mental health services. We treat more than 70 conditions, including depression, anxiety, addictions and eating disorders, as well as children’s mental health, across our nationwide network of sites. We also support autistic adults and adults with a learning disability, Prader-Willi Syndrome and brain injuries, as well as older people, within our specialist residential care and supported living facilities – helping as many people as possible to live their lives.

Priory is part of the MEDIAN Group, one of Europe’s leading providers of high quality mental health and rehabilitation services. The MEDIAN Group comprises 290 facilities with 5,000 beds caring for 28,000 people in the UK, 120 facilities with 20,000 beds caring for around 250,000 patients in Germany, and 15 facilities with 2,000 beds caring for 13,000 people in Spain, with more than 29,000 employees overall.

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