Social media and mental health: how does social media affect mental health?
The impact that social media can have on our mental health and expert tips on how you can reach a healthy balance.
The rise of social media at the turn of the 21st century, has given us easy access to friends, family and people we admire – allowing us all to stay connected online. As social creatures, we crave contact with others, and social media allows us to do just that, any time, any place.
As social media sites have increased their influence on our lives, more attention has been drawn to the connection it has with our mental health. If social media is used excessively, it can lead to mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders and addictions.
Sometimes, people use social media networks to victimise and abuse others online. Harmful or offensive comments are commonplace in some areas of social media, making it a cruel place for people on the receiving end.
While this can happen to anyone, it’s especially a problem for children and adolescents. Hurtful comments, rumours and lies can have a big impact on the mental health of a child. It can be even more damaging if that child is also being bullied at school, as digital spaces give the perpetrator a chance to continue to bully out of school hours.
Whether it's on social media or not, when we see friends or family having fun, we get a sense that everyone is enjoying a more eventful life than our own. In many ways, this is just a natural human reaction.
Social media can intensify these feelings. If we see pictures of other people out enjoying themselves while we sit at home, this can make us feel like we’re missing out and worry that our social life isn’t an exciting as other people’s. Over time, these feelings can escalate into real mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression.
Social media has long been criticised for the ease with which people can manipulate images using filters and other tools. These doctored images often promote an unrealistic body image, which can cause us to feel insecure about how we look. This can lead to conditions like eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), particularly among younger people.
It’s not just other people’s appearances on social media that can make us feel insecure. The system of ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ used by most social platforms, mean that we can be constantly comparing ourselves to other people. If we find that our posts receive fewer likes than a friend, it can make us feel less popular or generally inadequate. Also, it can mean that our sense of self-esteem and self-worth becomes dependent on the amount of engagement we get on social media, as opposed to more important things such as what we’re like as people.
Social media can also make us feel more lonely and isolated. Evidence shows that physical, face-to-face interaction with other people acts as a boost to our mental health, whereas a 2015 study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that limiting face-to-face contact almost doubles the risk of someone developing depression.
If we start to reduce our face-to-face interactions with people, and only interact with them through social media, this can put us at a higher risk of:
Clinical Psychologist, Georgia Henderson, on social media and feeling ‘less than’:
“Social media tricks our brains in a number of ways. We compare ourselves constantly to our peers to check we ‘fit in’ and ‘belong’. Young people often have a mix of peers and celebrities on their social media channels, with little ability for their brain to tell the difference. So, instead of just comparing our lives to schoolmates and neighbours, we are comparing it to Victoria’s Secret models and Justin Bieber. This leaves most young people feeling ‘less than’.”
Read more here.
Idealised body images and photo editing tools used on social media, mean that these platforms may contribute to people developing eating disorders. A recent 2019 study said the more often young teens use social media, the more prone they are to developing an eating disorder.
There are also trends such as ‘fitspiration’ on social media, where healthy eating and fitness become an unhealthy obsession. Research from International Journal of Eating Disorders found that women who post 'fitspiration' images on Instagram are more likely to engage in eating and exercise behaviours that are potentially harmful to their physical and mental health.
Opening up your phone releases dopamine in our brains – a neurotransmitter known as the ‘happy chemical’. Over time, we can develop an association between using our phones and gaining a rewarding, pleasurable experience. While social media can be a welcome distraction at first, this dopamine hit can mean that you want to log on over and over again, which can soon spiral into an addiction.
In the US, it’s now estimated that as many as 5% to 10% of Americans could meet the criteria for being at risk of social media addiction.
Social media can impact us all negatively, but when the damage is inflicted on children and young people, it’s natural to feel even more worried.
Social media can seem like the centre of a young person’s world. They probably don’t have the maturity or life experiences that an older person has to ‘cushion’ them from any negativity they might experience online. This means that the impact of social media on their mental health can be much greater than someone who's older and potentially more mentally robust, or with other things to focus on.
The impact of social media on young people is wide reaching, to the extent that Facebook (which also owns Instagram) has recently been criticised for keeping their own research on the topic hidden. Research suggests that these social media channels have a negative impact on young people’s body images (affecting young girls in particular) and that teenagers blame these channels for rising levels of depression and anxiety.
Cyber bullying is more keenly felt by younger generations too. The Office of National Statistics says that nearly 20% of 10 to 15 year olds have experienced cyber bullying, but a 2018 Pew Research study suggested this could be as high as 59%.
Calls for social media channels to do more to limit the negative impact they have on younger people are growing stronger, as are suggestions the government should get involved. In a Priory poll, we found that 67% of parents want legislation on smartphone use in 10 to 17 year olds. 44% go as far to say they would support an outright ban on smartphones for under 16s.
For parents, worrying about the safety of your children online is bad enough, but adults are not immune from the impact of excessive social media use.
A survey by Priory found that social media is partially responsible for triggering symptoms of anxiety and depression in parents – fuelled by the same feelings of ‘FOMO’ and feeling ‘less than’ that affect our children.
Social media can also lead to tension or strain in relationships. It can cause feelings of jealousy or envy, especially if one member of the relationship becomes secretive with their smartphone use. As a response, over a third (34%) of partnered adults say they have checked their partner’s phone at some point.
These areas of conflict can lead to ongoing relationship problems. A study from 2017 said that people who engage more in “infidelity-related behaviours on social media” are less satisfied in their relationship.
Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist, Dr Lucinda Green, on social media and postnatal depression:
"Women who criticise themselves, or assume others will judge them, for failing to be the perfect mother they aspire to be, are at increased risk of postnatal depression. When social media projects idealised images of parenthood as the norm, it's easy for new parents to feel guilty or inadequate if their experience does not match this."
Read more here.
There are signs you can look out for that might suggest your social media use is having a detrimental impact on your mental health. These include:
Making yourself aware of how much social media consumes your life is the first step towards starting to cut back.
Being more aware of your social media habits will increase understanding of how much technology is adversely affecting your life – and how you could replace your ‘addiction’ with things that might improve your happiness levels and mental health.
Alongside becoming more aware of how much you use social media, you can introduce a series of small changes to your digital habits, making them instantly more sustainable and healthy:
Social media is an enticing distraction. If you can shift your focus and engage your brain in something else that captures your attention, you’ll be less inclined to pick up your phone. There are loads of ways you can do this, like finding a new hobby, volunteering or practising mindfulness. Meeting someone face-to-face is proven to have a more positive effect on your mental health when compared to other forms of communication. Therefore, you could also take the time to reach out to family and friends and organise physical meet-ups with them.
Fundamentally, it’s a good idea to try and replace the dopamine hits that come from social media with something more fulfilling in the long-term.
Pamela Roberts, Therapist at Priory Hospital Woking, advises the following exercise:
“List the effects that social media might be having on your sleep and health, the time you spend with family, not concentrating on work or studies, or accessing inappropriate internet sites.
"Draw three concentric circles, consisting of an inner, middle, and outer circle. The inner circle will contain ‘harmful’ behaviours you want to stop doing – such as taking pictures for the purposes of social media, thinking in hashtags, obsessive scrolling, hours playing a certain game or lingering on a specific site or app. The middle circle will indicate things that might lead to those harmful behaviours, or triggers. This might involve checking phones for music or alarms, holding phones, notifications.
"The outer circle will be healthy options that will enhance your life. These are frequently the things you didn't have time for.”
Read more here.
Studies show that social media can affect young people more severely than any other age group. It’s bound to be a concern for parents who want their children to develop positive mental health, to the point where they may question whether their children should have a smartphone at all. Here are some warning signs that may suggest a child might not be having a positive experience with social media:
Get to grips with privacy settings
It’s important that you put some time aside to understand the apps your child uses. Try to get a feel for how these apps work and discover the ways they try to ‘hook’ users. It’s also a good idea to get your head around any privacy settings or parental controls you could make use of. This means you can step in if you feel you need to.
Encourage them to talk about their life online
Without being intrusive, try to regularly discuss with your child the latest ‘goings on’ on social media. What apps are new and trendy for kids their age? What viral videos have made them laugh recently?
Social media small talk like this encourages your child to open up about life online and helps you to gauge their general safety and how they’re feeling when using social media.
Introduce some basic boundaries
You can also nudge your child in the right direction by setting a few boundaries that encourage a healthy relationship with social media. You could introduce tech-free zones or times, like the dinner table or at bedtime. Lead by example and make sure you also follow these boundaries.
Instead, you can replace this time with other fun, engaging activities or family time to reduce your child’s temptation to break these rules.
Discuss social media with other parents
It can be really useful to start a dialogue with fellow parents to see how they also deal with the issue of social media. You could discuss setting up the same boundaries so that none of your children feels ‘left out’ or claims that every other child is allowed to do something they’re not.
Plus, it’s another good way to keep tabs on your child’s activity. Parents can look out for one another, keeping their ‘ear to the ground’ and alerting everyone else if something concerning arises.