Stress statistics and facts
Facts and statistics about stress from leading mental and public health organisations.
Stress is a phenomenon that arises as a response to a difficult situation. Stress is something we all experience in our lives, as we react to external factors going on around us. You might experience stress when you have a tight deadline at work or when you're experiencing financial difficulties.
Stress is a natural response and it's probably more common than you think. Below are a collection of facts and statistics about stress, collated from leading organisations and charities in mental health and public health.
[1] ciphr
[3] Statista - Leading countries worldwide based on stress experienced in the previous day in 2020
[4] LinkedIn
[5] Health and Safety Executive
[6] Cigna
[7] Deloitte
[8] Statista - Most common types of stress experienced in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2020*
[9] Champion Health
[10} Drinkaware (via Independent)
[11] Mind
[12] YouGov