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Rehabilitation and recovery (R&R) services

Providing comprehensive rehabilitation and recovery (R&R) services for people with complex mental health needs and specialing in behavioural support for those requiring services within a broader, yet focused pathway of care.

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Service overview

  • Our key aims are to reduce or end negative behaviours, manage risk and work towards discharge from the point of assessment, where appropriate
  • Our wide range of services can support short-term admissions, if required, into higher dependency services, to avoid prolonged stays in acute services
  • A diverse range of therapies including, but not limited to, psycho-education, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), art therapy and daily living skills programmes
  • Expert multidisciplinary teams support all our services
  • Priory is a trusted partner of the NHS in delivering clinically effective, evidence-based treatment programmes
  • We work closely with commissioners to create flexible and bespoke packages of care to best support individual needs

Our services

Priory provides comprehensive rehabilitation and recovery (R&R) services for people with complex mental health needs. We align our services with the recommendations of the Joint Commissioning Panel for Mental Health (JCPMH), ensuring our patients are given the highest quality care to enable an appropriate transition back home or into community services, wherever possible. Priory specialises in behavioural support for people needing services within a broader, but focused pathway of care.

Our nationwide network of specialist rehabilitation facilities provides support within the following specialisms:

  • High dependency rehabilitation units (including longer-term placements)
  • Autism and learning disability support
  • Personality disorders
  • Neuropsychiatry, older adults and dementia
  • Transitional living services for young people and young adults
  • Community focused rehabilitation
  • Bespoke therapeutic placements (BTPs)

Bespoke therapeutic placements (BTPs)

Placements are offered to people who present with complex and challenging needs, which might include aggressive or self-harming behaviours, sensory issues and emotion dysregulation, all of which can make it difficult for these people to be supported in a shared environment.

The core aim of our BTPs is to offer a bespoke environment with the least restrictive practices, and one that's completely tailored to the unique needs and preferences of our patients. Our aim is to support our patients to develop their coping skills and independence, enabling them to transition to community living, wherever possible.

Community focused rehabilitation

Priory provides community focused rehabilitation services within its main R&R provision. The primary purpose of community-focused settings is to:

  • Support patients to develop self-confidence and independence
  • Achieve a life worth living in the community
  • Be transitioned to the least restrictive community placement

For more information, visit our dedicated community focused page.

High dependency rehabilitation

For patients with severe and enduring mental health issues, we provide a service that is structured to support people on their journey towards increased independence and the highest quality of life possible.

Our step-down facilities are suitable for people who need active rehabilitation, ongoing care, and treatment in safe and comfortable environments.

For full details on this service, please visit our high dependency rehabilitation page.

Learning disability and autism support

These services support people with a learning disability or autism, through a tailored multidisciplinary team approach. The teams provide expert treatment and support through BTPs. These programmes enable people in our care to work towards developing or re-developing social, educational and vocational skills, to help them progress to a more positive future or, where possible, successful independent living.

Priory also work cohesively to support the LDAP agenda in its commitment to improving health and care services. By off­ering the right support, we can enable more people to live in the community and closer to home.

It's widely accepted that a number of patients leaving medium or low secure hospital services may need a rehabilitation healthcare provision before they're ready to step down into a community placement. From our experience and owing to the specialist nature of the national specialist services we provide, Priory is in a strong position to support LDAP through the provision of step-down services, which would be a safer journey for those patients who require a steadier transition period.

For full details on this service, please visit our learning disability and autism page. We also offer residential services for people who are autistic or have a learning disability.

Neuropsychiatry, older adults and dementia

Priory provides a service for people experiencing neuropsychiatric conditions, including dementia, Korsakoff syndrome and Huntington’s disease. We can offer support at a number of stages on a person’s journey, from assessment and treatment through to rehabilitation. A number of our services also offer end-of-life care and support.

Priory provides care in appropriate, safe and comfortable settings, in order to maximise functioning and reduce distress. Priory can also support physical disabilities and other co-morbidities through bespoke packages of care.

For more information on these services, please view our dedicated neuropsychiatry older age and dementia page.

Personality disorders

We provide specialist DBT treatment programmes for people living with a personality disorder. Our services provide people with new coping skills and, through the use of evidence-based therapies such as DBT, enable those accessing our care to fully engage with therapy and move forward with their lives. Priory provides a safe but welcoming personality disorder service in a number of locations.

You can visit our personality disorders page to read more about these services, including details of the programmes of care offered and desired aims for our patients.

Transitional living services for young people and young adults

Priory’s transitional living services for young people and young adults is part of our R&R services, supporting people with complex mental health needs, risk taking behaviours, or eating disorders. Priory can offer support across our Healthcare and Adult Care divisions, offering people the best possible care in their recovery journey.

Each of our sites provides an environment that's ideal for people who are leaving hospital or secure care and need a higher level of support that can’t be provided elsewhere.

For more information on these services, please visit our dedicated transitional living services page.

Hear from patients, family and specialists

Inside Priory's R&R services network

Referrals and admissions

Priory’s R&R services are suitable for:

  • All adults, with no upper age limit (18+)
  • Informal patients or those detained under the Mental Health Act (MHA), including patients subject to restriction orders
  • Those with multiple admissions to general mental health acute wards due to relapses whilst in the community
  • Complex polypharmacy patients
  • Those with previous placement breakdowns due to behaviours that challenge
  • Patients who present as treatment-resistant

Please note, with the exception of some of our neuropsychiatry services, Priory is unable to take self-referrals for NHS services. Priory R&R services are funded by provider trusts, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) or local authorities (LAs). For further information, please click on each service’s page.

If you're a patient or carer who's interested in any of our services, you can also discuss this with your care co-ordinator and they will liaise directly with the service as appropriate.

Working with commissioners

Priory is experienced in working with commissioners to look at supporting a reduction in out-of-area placement spend and facilitating repatriation to services closer to home.

The care we provide is part of an overall patient pathway. We therefore work closely with provider trusts and local systems, care co-ordinators and LAs to make referrals, admissions, transfers and discharges as safe and seamless as possible. We welcome commissioners to visit our facilities to see the environment and meet the staff, witness patient care and understand our commitment to rehabilitation and recovery.

People we can support

The patients we rehabilitate often have a range of healthcare needs and co-morbid presentations, and include those:

Stepping up into these services following a breakdown at home or in their community placement
Stepping down from an acute/general psychiatric mental health ward in order to engage with a specialist rehabilitation package
Moving across from a general acute or specialised neuro ward due to a stabilisation in physical presentation, allowing targeted mental health support or rehabilitation to commence
Moving from other mental health services where the patient and care team has stopped seeing improvements in mental health outcomes
Stepping down from secure settings

Service overview download

Service overview

Rehabilitation and recovery (R&R) services across the UK

Contact us for help, referrals or more information

For further information on Priory services offered to the NHS, or to make a referral, please call our dedicated 24/7 customer service centre.

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