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High dependency rehabilitation

A service for people who need stable and safe services that are situated within a focused pathway of care.

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Priory specialises in rehabilitation and recovery for people who need stable and safe services that are situated within a broader but focused pathway of care towards rehabilitation. The patients we care for in our high dependency rehabilitation units (HDUs) often come from a diverse range of services where there has been placement breakdown due to severe and enduring mental health behaviours. These can be patients who are:

  • Transferring from other mental health services, which have struggled to deliver an improvement in outcomes
  • Stepping up from community placements
  • Moving across from acute mental health wards
  • Stepping down from secure services

Service approach

Following an assessment period, our multidisciplinary teams will prepare a detailed, holistic and personalised plan, highlighting treatment issues and the required rehabilitation pathway, within an adaptable, stable and safe environment.

Regular reviews of progress against agreed care plans ensure that multidisciplinary teams are proactive in adapting plans to deliver optimal outcomes safely, and as soon as possible.

Care remains personalised through active engagement with the patient and their families or carers, where appropriate. Our recovery model ensures that holistic care and support is focused on enabling patients to have as much of an independent, healthy and enjoyable a life as possible.

We aim to allow patients to obtain a greater degree of freedom and autonomy, where appropriate, whilst also benefiting from continued participation in their planned recovery. We also ensure every person is treated with respect and dignity, managing their health in an engaging environment.

Referrals and admissions

We accept referrals UK-wide. Information received by a site upon referral will initially be reviewed by an appropriate clinician, who will ascertain if the patient is suitable for the service. They will then discuss the case with the wider team and identify suitable staff members to carry out an assessment, taking into consideration any specific needs of the person.

The assessing team will carry out a thorough assessment and discuss their findings with the multidisciplinary team, which will determine if the service can meet the needs of the person. We aim to carry out the assessment within 2 working days of receiving the referral. Once completed, a full assessment report, including costings, will be provided to the referrer.

Once an admission is agreed, the patient will be provided with information about the service and will be given the opportunity to ask any questions. The patient (along with their family and/or carers) is welcome to visit the service at any point on the referral journey. We understand that coming to a new service can be a stressful experience for some and therefore, we encourage the use of familiarisation visits where appropriate.

We accept referrals from:

  • Provider trusts and local systems
  • NHS England specialised mental health case managers
  • Community mental health teams
  • Medium and low secure settings
  • Mental health acute/psychiatric intensive care units (PICUs)/secure inpatient
  • Prisons and courts
  • Social services and the police


Service overview

HDU services across the UK

Contact us for help, referrals or more information

For further information on Priory services offered to the NHS, or to make a referral, please call our dedicated 24/7 customer service centre.

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