Priory Emotional Wellbeing Programme for children
Developed by therapists to support young people to build emotional resilience.
The pages within this section guide you through Priory's emotional wellbeing programme, which is designed for children, with a particular focus on ages 9-12, although it can benefit a broader age range too. The programme is divided into five core areas, which consist of; wellbeing, communication, skills, mood and activities.
Each area or theme contains videos introducing each exercise, together with downloadable handouts. The programme is best delivered as a discussion between children and their parent / guardian, or their carer or teacher (facilitator).
It’s important to remember that young people, parents and caregivers don’t have to struggle alone; expert psychiatric support for children and adolescents is available, and the most crucial first step is to seek specialist treatment.
As well as assessments, diagnoses and support, we are currently able to offer fast access to private treatment at Priory. Please call us today and speak to our expert advisers.