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Residential services

Learn about Priory’s residential services and the care and support we provide.

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Residential support at Priory

Across the UK, Priory provides a range of residential services to support adults aged 18 and over. This includes people who are autistic, have a learning disability or mental health needs.

We help the people living in our services to develop vocational, social, and life skills. Our goal is to enable each person to further their independence and enhance their quality of life.

Our older people's care services

We also offer residential, nursing and dementia support to older people, in environments that are both secure and homely.

Our care is centred around the individual needs of each resident, focusing on their social, physical and emotional wellbeing, ensuring that our residents maintain as much independence and comfort as possible, and experience happiness in every one of our homes.

Our approach to residential support

Residential services provide care and support to adults in a community-based setting. We develop person-centred care plans for each person we support, which carefully consider their unique needs and goals. Our dedicated staff teams then deliver bespoke care programmes, within our network of residential care homes across the UK.

From the design of the environment to the training of our staff teams, the individual is always at the forefront of what we do. Our focus is on supporting them to be as independent as possible, and achieve the things that are important to them.

We also create pathways from our independent hospitals through residential settings, to supported living. Priory’s care pathways enable people to receive the right support in the right environment, closer to home. We can support a seamless transition for each person as they progress between our higher and lower dependency services.

Residential mental health support at Priory

Who is eligible for residential support?

Priory provides a range of person-centred support programmes for adults in residential homes. These include:

We can also support adults with a range of other medical conditions, presentations and needs. This includes people with physical disabilities, complex needs or behaviours that challenge.

Resident stories

Hear the incredible stories from the residents of Priory residential services, striving to live their lives to the fullest.

Roy's story - Yew Tree Lodge

Roy has a diagnosis of schizophrenia. After spending some time in hospital receiving treatment, Roy came to Yew Tree Lodge, where he is now working towards a greater level of independence.

Owain and his parents' story - Eastrop House

A parent discusses the process of seeking residential support for their autistic son, Owain. They are delighted that Owain has settled into his new home at Priory Eastrop House.

Jade's story - The Lawrence

Jade came to live at The Lawrence in 2020, feeling shy and uncertain. Since then, Jade has been supported to make positive changes to her lifestyle, become more independent, and find new passions.

Julie's transition story - Apple Mews

Julie is an autistic woman who also has a learning disability and Tourette’s syndrome. She came to live at Apple Mews after a structured transition from a secure hospital.

Pauline's story - Alphonsus House

Pauline has a diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder. She came to Alphonsus House after suffering unfortunate life circumstances, which had caused her mental health to decline.

Miles's story - Ebbsfleet House

Miles is a young autistic man with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a learning disability, pica and sensory processing difficulties. See how Miles getting on in a bespoke flat at Ebbsfleet House as part of our residential services.

Tommy's story - Kirklea

The team at Kirklea have recently developed a bespoke self-contained flat for Tommy, a gentleman who has a learning disability.

Jason's story - Princes Street

Jason is an autistic man who also has a learning disability and a mental health condition. Princes Street have supported him to improve his quality of life.

Brendan's story - Riddrie House

Brendan stepped down to Riddrie House from a hospital setting, after experiencing difficulties with his schizophrenia. After developing his skills at the home, he has since moved on to more independent living.

Neil's pathway story - Riverbank to Priory Supported Living Hull

Neil came to Riverbank from a secure forensic service. After developing greater independence, and has since moved on to his own flat in supported living.

Tim's story - Egerton Road

Tim developed an acquired brain injury (ABI) after undergoing surgery to remove an aneurysm. He came to live at Egerton Road, where he has been supported to regain some independence.

Tom's story - Bedborough House

Tom is an autistic man, who also has a learning disability and epilepsy. Despite living at Bedborough House for a number of years, back in 2021 Tom began exhibiting more behaviours of concern.

Carina's story - Grafton Manor

Carina came to Grafton Manor after sustaining an acquired brain injury (ABI). Since then, she has focused on developing her independence at the home.

A grandparent's story - Bishops Corner

Grandparent's of a resident at Bishop's corner who was struggling with his mental health, share their story.

Life is great at the moment

I am now going shopping on my own which gives me a different experience of independence. I am also going swimming with staff support, which I never thought I would be able to do, and it's so much fun. Life is great at the moment.

Person supported by a Priory residential service

Residential services across the UK

We have residential services located throughout the country, meaning that you can access the support you need, close to home. To find residential services in your area, please use the search form below.

How to make a referral

Our service provides high quality support to people with varying levels of need. Referrals can be made through the individual’s social care team or, if relevant, their local health authority. If you are a professional looking to make a referral, please call us or fill in our enquiry form.

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