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Learning disability support

Learn about the residential care and support we offer to people with a learning disability at Priory.

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At Priory, we believe that people with a learning disability should be able to lead fulfilling and independent lives. Our teams are committed to providing the right support to enable this.

We offer a wide range of services for adults with a learning disability. We understand that everyone’s needs, choices and abilities are different. This is why we tailor our support to each person, enabling them to benefit from bespoke care.

Support for adults with a learning disability

We provide person-centred care, focusing on the unique strengths, wishes and aspirations of each individual. We also aim to promote life skills, which helps the people we support to live more independently and achieve their full potential.

The specialist services we provide for people with a learning disability include:

  • Residential homes for people who need 24/7 support in a community-based setting
  • Supported living and community outreach support services, for people who are able to live more independently in their own home
  • Healthcare services in independent hospitals, for people with a learning disability who may have co-occurring mental health conditions

In addition, our passionate and engaged teams have extensive experience in supporting adults with a learning disability. We also work closely with other health and social care professionals to make sure everyone in our care has the support they need.

Hear from a resident, a relative and staff

Inside Adult Care's learning disability services network

Our approach to learning disability support

Our residential services offer tailored support in homely and purpose-designed settings. Here, people can receive round-the-clock support and take positive steps towards building their confidence and independence. In addition, we offer:

  • Personalised support programmes, including 1:1 support, where required
  • Comfortable living environments in convenient residential locations
  • A positive behaviour support (PBS) approach
  • Therapeutic and educational input from external professionals
  • Outcomes-focused support, using the Life Star framework
  • A varied calendar of activities
  • Dedicated staff teams who receive bespoke training in learning disability support
  • Access to education and employment opportunities within the local communities
  • Progression through a care pathway to live as independently as possible

We go beyond meeting people's essential support needs. Our teams work with each person we support to understand their needs, preferences and goals. This means we can promote access to opportunities and interests that are important to each person.

I think the staff are great and they really have helped me to live the life I want to. I am so much more confident and independent now.
Person supported by Priory

Resident stories

Hear the incredible stories from the residents of Priory residential learning disability services, striving to live their lives to the fullest.

John's story - Millburn

John has a diagnosis of a learning disability and schizophrenia. He came to Millburn after spending several years in hospital due to a significant decline in his mental health.

Jade's story - The Lawrence

Jade came to live at The Lawrence in 2020, feeling shy and uncertain. Since then, Jade has been supported to make positive changes to her lifestyle, become more independent, and find new passions.

Tommy's story - Kirklea

The team at Kirklea have recently developed a bespoke self-contained flat for Tommy, a gentleman who has a learning disability.

Donna's story - Bromyard Road

Donna has a learning disability and anxiety. She came to Bromyard Road from a hospital setting, and has since achieved a number of amazing outcomes.

Robert's story - Progress House

When Robert first arrived at Progress House, he was withdrawn and disengaged. With support from his core staff team, Robert has come out of his shell and has achieved some amazing outcomes.

Terry's story - Lansdowne Road

Terry is a gentleman with a learning disability and mental health needs. He came to live at Lansdowne Road after sadly being bereaved.

Our locations

Priory offers residential learning disability support at various locations across the UK. Use the map below to view our services.

How to make a referral

Our service provides high quality support to people with varying levels of need. Referrals can be made through the individual’s social care team or, if relevant, their local health authority. If you are a professional looking to make a referral, please call us or fill in our enquiry form.

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